When JW's say they are 'In the truth'...

by Ron.W. 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TD

    I've read similar expressions in SDA and LDS writings.

    "Truth" is the state of being true. It is not a tangible object that you can "have or "be in" and referring to it in that way is cult speak.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    I seem to recall that Ray Franz addressed this question in one of his books. I think he said that it came from the Russell-era's interpretation of 'present truth' which was specific wording in a Bible verse from the King James. 'Stand fast in present truth'.

  • Phizzy

    "Present truth" has also been misused, as though Truth changes with time ! Truth is only that which has Irrefutable Evidence, and does NOT change !

    To say they are "In the Truth", as J.W's do, is the ultimate Irony ! There is no Truth in their teachings !

  • Vidiot

    “In the Truth”… “having the Truth”… “present Truth”…

    …all part-n-parcel to condition the rank-and-file to stay loyal…

    …no one wants to be “in the Lie”, after all.

  • fedup
  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It's not the only cult that uses 'The Truth' as a name to describe itself or it's set of doctrines.

  • ukpimo

    One thing Jehovah’s Witnesses have been correct on is the idea that the first century Christians referred to their religion as The Way. Their current bible glossary makes mention of this.

    Way, the

    An expression used figuratively in the Scriptures to refer to a mode of action or conduct that is either approved or disapproved by Jehovah. Those who became followers of Jesus Christ were spoken of as belonging to “The Way,” that is, they kept a way of life centered on faith in Jesus Christ, following his example.​—Ac 19:9.

    However, JWs don't use this. And why jws didn't adopt this phrase baffles me. You would think they would attempt to say that they are in "The Way", the way they go on about doing their best to mimic first century Christianity. But I suppose that would associate them too much with Jesus Christ. Not that saying The Truth changes that, since Jesus is called "The Way, The Truth and the Life"

  • HereIam60

    "The Way" would certainly be a scripturally correct term, but possibly they've avoided using it because there is a similar (though not so old) group known as 'The Way International'..

  • Vidiot

    Not to mention the baddest asses in the Star Wars galaxy.


  • blondie

    Maybe the WTS got it from this scripture with their own slant that the WTS is the only true religion: 3 John 4 "No greater joy do I have than this: that I should hear that my children go on walking in the truth RNWT

    Other quotes:
    "[A mature christian] does not advocate or insist on personal opinions or harbor private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding. Rather, he has complete confidence in the truth as it is revealed by Jehovah God through his Son, Jesus Christ, and "the faithful and discreet slave." Watchtower 2001 Aug 1 p.14

    (Reporting not supporting)

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