EIE of course! I have no way to prove any of it, just our personal experience.
JW profit from disasters
by enoughisenough 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Donations for relief do not go directly to the people affected by the disaster; all funds must go to the GB/WTS, all, not just for disaster relief, then the WTS/GB decides what the money will be used for, not just disaster relief. "Donations for a specific relief effort are gratefully accepted. However, it is preferred that such donations be made to the worldwide work of Jehovah’s Witnesses, since monies are drawn from this fund as the need arises." WT August 2006 p.23-25 Endnote
blondie, from where I am sitting, they don't want that money ear-marked for relief so they can do as they please...then when there is a disaster, they still ask for more, more, more and volunteers for labor and supplies. total charlatans! They put out enough information about their efforts to keep r/f feeling good and not asking questions. I think most r/f would be appalled if they knew the extent of abuse of their donations and the fraud that plays out in the disaster relief.
Yes, any funds sent to the WTS are put in a general fund (even disaster relief) and the WTS decides where "best" use the money. Yes, charlatans.
Magnum, I recall a well known charity taking donated funds after 9/11 and purchasing a new computer system. The media excoriated them even though no laws had been broken. They needed a new system and felt justified, but as a result, donations dropped considerably in the following years.
Contributors felt that the funds should have benefitted persons directly affected by the terror attacks.
WTC started asking contributors not to stipulate how funds were to be spent. They knew that money would be directed to CSA settlements, legal defense fees and other costs that the rank n’ file would be disturbed over.
In many disasters, WTC collected materials that were sold off, and then took all the proceeds unceremoniously. In some instances, nothing was used to address the disaster - nothing.
It may be legal but nothing about what WTC dies is ethical.