Human element seen in 10 commandments

by venus 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tor1500


    You said it in a nutshell. Love your last paragraph... profound. Religion/Spirituality are to make you a better person loving, kind, forgiveness all the fruituge of the spirit.

    God gave us approximately 600 commandments in the OT, we couldn't do them, a lot of sacrifices so God gave us 10 written in stone which was broken before it came down the mountain then God saw we couldn't do them so he broke it down to two. Love God with all your heart and others like you do yourself. Want to stump a witness just say that we can't expect others to like us until we like ourselves. Hence that's why it's hard to get bible studies, folks see through them.


  • OneEyedJoe

    Yeah, I always thought that the tacit acknowledgement of the existence of other gods was odd. It shows that whoever wrote that fully believed that other nations were worshiping entities that were gods in their own right, but yahweh was just better or something. It's interesting that christians today now accept that not only should they not worship those gods, but those gods don't even exist. Now that we understand fertility, weather, etc, there's no need for those other specific gods but we as a culture haven't managed to share the swiss army knife god yahweh, even though he apparently fully believed in those other gods.

    What about the last Commandment something about not boiling a baby goat in its mothers milk?? What the hell?

    That's not one of the 10 but it's actually pretty applicable to the topic at hand - my understanding is that this was a specific prohibition on a common pagan fertility ritual in which they would take an infant goat and boil it in its mother's milk and then spread the result onto the fields to get good crops. Basically this was just another in a long string of "don't worship anyone else" type commands.

    The other thing that's interesting about this one is that this one very specific command has now been morphed by strict jews into such absurdity like not having cheeseburgers or even going to extremes of having two sets of dishwashers and dishes/utensils so as not to allow something that's touched dairy also touch meat. It's interesting how religion seems to always snatch up as much control as it can over its adherents' day to day lives as a means of keeping them indoctrinated.

  • Simon

    The 10 commandments are obviously a product of the culture that created the story.

    Christopher Hitchens does a brilliant breakdown and re-write of them:

  • venus

    Thank you Simon for that link: Some of the rewriting of Christopher Hitches are too good such as:

    I: Do not condemn people on the basis of their ethnicity or color.
    II: Do not ever use people as private property.
    V: Do not condemn people for their inborn nature.
    VI: Be aware that you too are an animal and dependent on the web of nature, and think and act accordingly.
    VII: Do not imagine that you can escape judgment if you rob people with a false prospectus rather than with a knife.
    X: Be willing to renounce any god or any religion if any holy commandments should contradict any of the above

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen

    Only after I woke up I actually read about other ancient laws with great interest.

    I had always simply accepted the claim that 'God's law' (or so the myth tells us) was highly superior to the barbaric practises of the heathens.

    Until I actually read the contents of these old laws. They are very much alike....except that Moses was almost 1500 years late. So much for being superior.

  • venus

    Hi Anders Andersen,

    That is true. Hamurabi's laws (dating back to BCE 1754) were older than and superior to Moses' law. For example, woman could have gone for an easy divorce: "Law #142: "If a woman quarrel with her husband, and say: "You are not congenial to me," the reasons for her prejudice must be presented. If she is guiltless, and there is no fault on her part, but he leaves and neglects her, then no guilt attaches to this woman, she shall take her dowry and go back to her father's house."

  • Saename
    Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho - I'm really interested in what the original ancient Greek word for "inspired" meant, when the Bible says that "all scripture is inspired of God." I know Witnesses take this word to mean a literal dictation of thoughts, as though a businessman were dictating a letter to a secretary. I'm going to take a gamble and guess that "inspired" in ancient Greek does NOT mean "verbatim rhetoric", but rather "pertaining to," like an homage to the God it was written about, or something. Anyone know much about this?

    The word theopneustos was invented by the author of 2 Tim. 3.16. It literally means "God-breathed" from theos for "God" and pneo for "breathed out." It appears nowhere else in the Bible. For those two reasons, the meaning depends on the context of 2 Tim. 3.16. Hence, it can be debated. (In my book, it's "ironic evidence" against divine inspiration. I should think God would make his meaning rather simple, especially when it comes to something that important―should the Bible be read literally or not? Alas, even the answer to how to read the Bible depends on how you read the Bible... Go figure... God has a good sense of humor, as they say...)

  • Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
    Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho

    Thank you, @Saename! Looks like you well-versed on more than just evolution. Fascinating insight you've given on ancient Greek text!

  • ttdtt
    Human element seen in 10 commandments

    You mean MALE element!

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