"Sister in law saying that jw.org is the highest ranked website"
Among who? Can you provide that citation or tell us where you heard that? If those sources are worldly, then why would you care to be the highest ranked website? How is the ranking qualified? If your website has the highest ranking but only among yourselves and there is only one website then isn't the ranking of it a moot point?
Honestly, I prefer to get it out of the context they put it in. My family is snarky so I like to put them in their own place. "Shouldn't you be concentrating on those within the organization? It isn't right to put stock in 'worldly' opinions."
"cousin saying that the new HQ is energy neutral"
It shouldn't matter. Jehovah doesn't need any building to be energy neutral. He is the ultimate neutralizer after all.
"aunt stating that jw have the best education"
Again, why compare the JWs to the world. That line of reasoning will lead you right into Satan's arms. Aren't JWs supposed to be better than the world? If they are, then why would you ever compare them to the world?
My family hates it when I have a self-righteous answer that puts them in their own place. I get joy out of that. But I also find it impossible to argue with false logic. I find it much easier to just use their own logic against them.