Because its not in the Bible.
Are Jw's God's Organization?
by wantingtruth 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
This is one of those silly JW questions made by someone who has never been exposed to the "outside light of their Watchtower cave" so to speak.
It's all based only on the way JWs think and on their religious thought but not on actual history or considering that other religions don't have such beliefs like their mistaken views
For instance the Roman Catholic Church did not come into existence until the Great Schism of 1054 when Christianity divided into West and East, the East becoming know as the Greek Orthodox Church.
The term "catholic" was not first used by the Church Fathers until circa AD 110 by St. Ignatius in his "Letter to the Smyrnaeans." It became the definitive word to define the faith against the threat of the Marcionists in the 2nd century because the word means "universal" or "all inclusive" and Marcion of Sinope taught salvation to the select who gained "gnosis" from Scripture only, a Gnostic threat.
Early Christians did not go about considering themselves "anointed" as termed by the New World Translation or even had many who could personally read. The 27 books of the New Testament would not be canoninzed until the 4th century, and it was Marcion who created the first (albeit false Gnostic) canon. The Church Fathers would have nothing to do with him or his ideas.
JWs believe the early Christians were running around with Scripture scrolls and knocking on people's doors preaching. (There's a laughable Watchtower illustration demonstating this.) But this was not true. Read the Church Fathers (you won't like it if you are a JW purist). There was no canon of Scripture, no Roman Catholic Church, no discussion of being "annointed" to the heavenly hope (as if there was another to compare it to).
This post might as well be the musings of a blind person desribing the various colors of a sunset that they never saw
Why would He need one?
Let me tell you. JWs have the truth.
I was on Twitter and there are people that believe that we have to follow the 10 commandments and the sabbath.
They are so blind to what Christianity is about. They ignore the clear teachings of the apostles that explain we are not under the Law.
Yes, JWs know the truth about these Bible teachings. No doubt about it
Christianity developed the way a muddy bog settles until water can be seen on top. More water flows in and it becomes known as a lake.
WTC had painters that worked hand in hand with dreamy doctrine makers to create a narrative that makes Gene Roddenberry seem like a cavemen by comparison.
i get a laugh at the way WTC describes the formation of Christianity, followed by their own selection by God himself.
Pass me the Miracle Wheat please!
Beth Sarim
Miracle wheat please!!
Over here too.🙂