I always rounded up!
Did you cheat on your monthly report?
by JH 38 Replies latest jw friends
Victorian sky
Ah,Confessions of a cheatin' ex reg. pioneer - Hell yeah I fudged my report sometimes by 30 hours! I counted everything from getting dressed for service to starting up my car before dawn for street work. (Like there was anyone to talk to at 6 in the moring!) I felt awful at the time but that didn't stop me from doing it 'cause by Laud I had a dub image to uphold! My pioneer pals did the same thing, some by as much as 70 hours! So the boasting of what is it a billion hours worldwide? Whatever numbers they spew it's bull s@#! Funny that the Bible never mentions Jesus and the Apostles put in their time, doubt Jehovah asked his son for a service report before he handed him the crown! Isn't it great to be free. - Victorian Sky
I guess I was a sucker... I never lied on my service report. I just got the third degree every now and then. My average was probably 4 hours per month.
Please don't be too disappointed in me about not cheating! If it helps, for the last 9 - 12 months I was in the borg I didn't actually talk at the doors. I counted 4 hours per month and I just followed someone else around.
Ah, the joys of giving a token sacrifice.
I only remember padding hours on my report once and that was when I was reg aux pioneering. I was smart to get the bulk of my hours very early in the month, but towards the end I got really sick with the flu and had like 3 or 4 hours to make up for. So I rounded up hours and came up with the magic total of 60.
I always put in at least 10 hrs. When I planned my resigning as an elder, I dropped to about 5 or 6. You see, I wasn't "taking the lead". Eventually, I did "the right thing" and resigned so as to not bring any reproach on the body of elders.....btw, I never really got even 10 legit hours in.
Room 215
One though that occurs to me after reading all these responses is how unsettling these disclosures must be to any Bethel lurker for what they reveal as to the real state of spirituality and commitment to ``accomplishing the final witness" on the part of the rank and file.
What a house of cards!
Yup, all the time. I counted driving time, coffee break, sometimes I'd just hand a random tract out to the first schmo I'd meet on the street so I could start counting my time. Ahh, the good old days. I never had less than 10 hours...
I became quite good at figuring out what was "witness" time. Like if I spoke about it at work, maybe in conversation, not necessarily witnessing. I also counted all those times I dropped off magazines in laundrymats. So I don't think I really fudged, but my witness time wasn't of "quality" most of the time.
I the months leading up to my eventual farewell I cheated many times on my report sheet. I even said that I placed magazines ; hope nobody seen me take 4 large bag fulls to the recylcing plant recently.