January one. Genesis one wt mental gymnastics.
Gen 1:1 Earth created in the beginning, ? not. 10 billion years after,--circa 4.5 billion years ago, but what is 7 zeros between wt friends ,-- right?
Gen 1:7 created expanse between waters on the surface and "canopy" at heights. "Canopy" (quoting wt here) is a fitting term for a cover over a flat earth. now:
Gen !:8 the expanse is called "heaven"
gen 1:14 : Luminaries creates in the expanse called heavens (under the high waters)
Gen 1:15 Luminaries in the expanse (under the water canopy)
16, 17 : put in the expanse --to shine upon the earth ( they could not shine if they were above that thick water canopy, 10 000 meter thick , as seen by the flood) so:
lets face it, the Genesis account is written by "flat earthers", putting the :water canopy above the stars , even farther away than galaxies like Andromeda which we can see with the naked eye. (requiring the flood waters to come down at faster than the speed of light.?--not)
A creator would never have inspired , seconded such an account seeing it would serve to vindicate "him" or his editing, proofreading in this crucial scientific age. ditto
His "son", who was supposed to have been instrumental in all this heavy lifting of luminaries 13 billion years ago . and then endorsing the tale in his "sermons" around 32 CE.
Together with the talking snake , it is all fake. ( the best they could come up with at the time. though. )
and that is only the start.---