I overheard a discussion between two JWs, they said that when someone is disfellowshipped, they are asked to hand their blood card back to the elders. I had never heard of this before, is this correct?
Removed - blood card
by skin 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
resolute Bandicoot
This is a new one to me, anything is possible these days.
Beth Sarim
I heard of this.
Not sure if it's 100% true. But it's been said
Sounds dodgy to me. If the disfellowshipped person is hospitalised, needing a blood transfusion and unconscious, the elders could give the blood card to the HLC, who could then use it to stop a transfusion, even if the disfellowshipped person is fine with one.
So much for the reformed, "kinder and gentler" WT. When the HLCs are disbanded and the corpses of every last GB member are hanging from gibbets, being feasted upon by carrion fowl, I'll believe in WT reform!
stan livedeath
so--does it mean a d'f person could now have a blood transfusion ?
could get interesting.
Beth Sarim
....ant legal loophole. To avoid legal entanglements. Always.
Yes, I've heard of this before ... but not for a long time.
And while many might not really care once being disfellowshiped, the stripping off a person's Bloodcard in this manner could have been used to forcefully illustrate their removal (or expulsion) from the Organization.
road to nowhere
Who knows. I knew one DF person who still had a key and let us in the hall before the elders showed up.
My doctor gave me a far better directive than the preachy blood card
Why would you hand it over to the elders? It's your document, your property. You should burn/shred it at the first opportunity and make sure that they don't have any future say in your healthcare.
I have been on a lot of committees, also on appeals, never had that instruction. That is untill 1999.