The jws still view the Bible as more important than or above organisation, even by representatives of their organisation. Only until they reinterpret "remove the wicked man among yourselves" as a removal from congregation rather than family...
Will The Watchtower Ever Give Up Mandatory Shunning Of DF'd Members?
by Brokeback Watchtower 29 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Will The Watchtower Ever Give Up Mandatory Shunning Of DF'd Members?
It depends upon which option gives them the most money and power at the time.
Pomo, you could not be more wrong. They view the org as above all. The org interprets the bible even when they clearly contradict the bible. Nothing is above the org.
Ask many JWs and they'll claim they're not being forced to shun us, but they shun us because they want to. They've actually convinced themselves it's their own decision. Like many of their rules they think that it's not about being allowed or not allowed, it's about loyalty to Jehovah.
Of course they have free will, but acting upon that free will will have repercussions for them.
The jws still view the Bible as more important than or above organisation, even by representatives of their organisation. Only until they reinterpret "remove the wicked man among yourselves" as a removal from congregation rather than family...
pomo, the org literally re-wrote the bible. Lots of things they do contradict the bible but the members just "wait on Jehovah". The GB is their God.
How about an inactive (short time attender) can't go along with unethical/false lifestyle of JWs. I've never associated with such dishonest, ill-mannered, money-hungry, power craving, sociopaths/narcissists, aggressive, dis-ordered humans in my life! Of course, there's one or two allowing for 1% exception inside those hell holes.
Thanks for your great post that touched on so many things. You are right that we survived a deceptive con.
As you said, our worth did not diminish just because JWs do not want to bother with us. This is something that many ex-JWs have to think about - especially born-ins who seem to have super-duper guilt issues IMO. The Witness religion's goal is to make everybody feel unworthy. You should be guilt tripped to the nth degree - that way you can be more controlled!
Many of these JWs weren't my friends thirty years ago, so why would I miss them now?
I am sorry your family won't bother with you even though you are a respectable and responsible person (unlike many JWs who are deadbeats IMO)...My non-JW family expected of me that I would be a responsible and independent person!
You are also right that we will bump into many people in our lives. A few may stick around - the others just part of the passing parade. Now we have to make new chapters in our life journey.
I wish you and everybody a Happy Holiday Season!
Longhairgal, thanks for your feedback. I talked to a councillor about the issue and she asked, "So what would you talk about?"
I have nothing in common with them any more. It would be a short conversation.
I'm glad that they are not bothering me.
JW GoneBad
Will The Watchtower Ever Give Up Mandatory Shunning Of Df'd Members?
Not according to the harsh and extreme wording of this past Sunday's Watchtower study of the October 2017 magazine page 16 paragraph 19...
"...we must avoid normal contact with a disfellowshipped family member by telephone, text messsages, letters, e-mails, or social media."
Good point JW Gone Bad
The fact is the WTS has recently strengthen its DFing policy / shunning because the GB heads are presently paranoid of the information spreading around against their organization.
Dissenters may have information that would provoke some their of members to think whats going on.
From out that premise the WTS has strategically built a wall higher around its members more so than any other time or segment of its history.