November 2019 Watchtower Study....Exaggeration at its finest

by RULES & REGULATIONS 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    The Watchtower—Study Edition | November 2019

    Lessons We Can Learn From the Book of Leviticus

    16 Satan and his world have done much to make the work of that faithful slave challenging, even impossible, to carry out from a human standpoint. Despite two world wars, relentless persecution, global economic crises, and unjust treatment, the faithful and discreet slave has continued to provide spiritual food for Christ’s followers on earth. Think of the abundance of spiritual food available today, free of charge, in more than 900 languages! It is undeniable evidence of divine backing. Consider further proof of Jehovah’s blessing: the preaching work. The good news truly is being preached “in all the inhabited earth.” (Matt. 24:14) Without a doubt, Jehovah is guiding and generously blessing his organization today.

    Satan and his world have done much to make the work of that faithful slave challenging, even impossible, to carry out from a human standpoint.

    Oh, I don't know about that! The Watchtower Society has 87 Branches, 119,954 Kingdom Halls around the world. Only a few Communist Countries make the preaching work difficult. Who made it challenging when the Society sold properties ( bought and paid for by congregation members) in the billions of dollars? Where did the billions of dollars go?

    Despite two world wars, relentless persecution, global economic crises, and unjust treatment

    Really! Every person that went through World World I and II suffered. What are some examples the Society suffered during these two wars? What Society projects came to a halt during these years?

    relentless persecution

    Exaggerate much, Watchtower Society! Besides imprisoning some members, banning the preaching work and driving some to preach underground in some countries (throughout its 140-year history), that cannot be called, RELENTLESS!

    unjust treatment

    Care to give us some examples? The Society has properties all over the world, have the freedom to preach in almost all countries, pay no taxes on all donations received and sell all properties ( which the congregation members contribute and build) with no accounting on where the money goes.

  • nowwhat?

    Maybe they can start a new movement: #we are victims too!

  • asp59

    Yeah mormors, Catholic , muslims and many other are in every country and have amount of books too. Seems every one is being bless this days 😁👍

  • StephaneLaliberte

    I accepted these broad statements until I tried to quantify them in comparassion to other religions. When I did look into quantifying/fact-checking them, it is when I realized these were non arguments.

  • Listener
    On one hand they complain how badly they are persecuted and on the other hand, how much Jehovah blesses them.

    Yeah, “Satan” really screwed them by having Donald Trump’s son-in-law interview with the Watchtower Real Estate entity and then pay the WT a Billion dollars..

    Can I get some “relentless persecution” please??


  • ScenicViewer
    The good news truly is being preached “in all the inhabited earth.” (Matt. 24:14) Without a doubt, Jehovah is guiding and generously blessing his organization today.

    No, the good news is NOT being preached in ALL the inhabited earth. There are billions of people that have never heard of a Jehovah's Witness. India and China are two major countries where JWs have hardly scratched the surface of preaching to the entire population.

  • smiddy3

    And in strict Muslim countries their are very few JW`s if any and they cannot and do not preach from D2D or able to preach publicly .

    Again millions of people who have never heard of JW`s

    And what about mainland China with the millions of people who have never heard of JW`s

    How many Muslims are ther in the world ? Over a Billion ? 1.8 Billion I believe.

    How many Catholics are in the world ? Over a Billion ? 1.2 Billion I believe.

    Jehovah must be really blessing them .

    Lets put things in perspective WT.

  • eyeuse2badub

    One of my favorite quotes!

    “Isn’t it a remarkable coincidence that almost everyone has the same religion as their parents? And it always just happens to be the right religion.”

    just saying!

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