I remember when I was a kid in the early 70s that we always had a baseball game or picnic where they would get together and bring a dish to pass. Every summer there was one or more. We had Canoe picnic parties and camp fires ect. I don't see this any more. The only thing they ever talk about it going to an assembly or special talk.
Ever notice no pictures of any JW get togeathers?
by JimmyYoung 14 Replies latest jw experiences
There are occasional photos of small groups gathered together - invariably, there are bowls of fruit and/or glasses of orange juice available, and a JW is playing his guitar, and the JWs are singing Kingdom "Melodies". There are never more than 8 or 10 JWs at a time in these illustrations though - the clear implication is that anything more than 2 or 3 families is a "large gathering" and as the GB likes to emphasize, "large gatherings" will inevitably lead to drunkenness, debauchery, fornication, cats and dogs, living together, etc.
Sir82...love your comment on the implication...too funny. And yet so very true..... Yep..and get a pair together alone and they'll be humping for sure....
get a pair together alone and they'll be humping for sure....
Oh lord don't get me started....
Once, a lifetime or 2 ago, I was slated to lead Sunday morning field service (meeting was in the afternoon). Just one other sister showed up - 20 years older than me, not particularly attractive, and definitely a bit "off" upstairs. The point being, she didn't have to worry.
But, she insisted on driving...separate....cars. In field service. To make return visits.
'Cause, you know, 2 people of the opposite sex in a car, any car, any circumstances, and humping will inevitably occur, just as sure as the sun sets in the west.
So, yeah, we spent the whole morning following one another in our own cars. She's follow me to my return visit, I'd follow here to hers, and so on.
I would have told her to go on ahead and I will catch up. Then hit the dunkin doughnuts and have a cup and a bear claw.
road to nowhere
That may be why funeral/ memorial receptions are popular. There sure aren't any tears.
There were a couple last year locally. Invitations handed out outside the KH door because you can't do it in the hall. I went and the sister i wanted to cheat on my with didnt even show.
In the 21st century, this now passes for a Jehovah's Witness get-together.
I would have told her to go on ahead and I will catch up. Then hit the dunkin doughnuts and have a cup and a bear claw.
Jimmy Y ....
I would have told her to go ahead and then stop and have a shot and a beer.
Rub a Dub
Yes, I remember this nonsense of not having two people of the opposite sex together in the same car.
I remember this excuse being given as to why certain brothers tried to get out their turn of giving a certain problematic sister a ride. I refused to have this dumped on me permanently and made sure I bowed out.
road to nowhere
I was assigned as a " guard" at a convention, just 2 of us alone in a car watching the literature and food trailersr, the other brother was a recently dunked gay