Organizational Accomplishments - Building a Solid Digital Foundation

by wifibandit 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sparrowdown

    JP - enunciation or lack thereof? Yeah, I know, still funny though.

  • jp1692

    Sparrowdown, He had only one line and he really blew it, didn't he?

    Maybe he had a hair or something else in his mouth that prevented him from spitting it out!

    Seriously, how did the editors let that one get by? Intelligibility is one reason why professional actors routinely to automated dialog replacement (ADR).

  • sparrowdown

    JP - I'm sure Jehovah is the God of Erections aswell.

  • Annon

    Its is really amazing what God can achieve when using Amazon web services, with some help from Inktomi for local caching. Now what was that talk about all the worlds commercial system being in the power of Satan. (Try a SmartWhois look up)

  • jp1692

    Annon, Satan has all the cool toys.

  • BluesBrother

    If I were watching this one Thursday I would be thinking..' Yeah, but so what?' ....Is this not exactly what you would expect of any large organization, especially an International one? .... They would be archaic if they still communicated only by letters and the postal network.

    When I was involved at a cong. Level, with Secretary duties and Accounts, it was tedious and paper intensive iup to the nineties . Compared to my employer it was backward . If they had not changed , that would be the story to comment on.

    Most dubs don't care about the behind the scenes working they just deal with the digitization of the literature. Some love it, some hate it. NB. I read a newspaper report yesterday that one U K household in ten has no internet access and nearly a third of Brits over 65 had never used a computer.. They should remember that when telling everyone to download.

  • Hecce

    They use to highlight how much they spent in missionary work, now they boast about the internet.

  • TheWonderofYou

    Im not sure if God directed men to use digital technology or if he erected himself the digital foundation and a network to trick Satan. However as God is able to erect a kingdom in 1914 and erecting kingdom halls, assembly halls and to put an end to storms, while he erected Warwick as sign of unity inmidst of a darkening world, he certainly has also erect-abilities to make these large screens at the conventions as sign of one single directive.

    So even when Satan is prolonging this (no other) old world and delaying the erection of the paradise using countless aggressive tribulations and hereby urging Jehovah to shift Harmagedon in the future, it s sign of love of The builder, the erecter, who is represented by directing body.

  • Hecce

    *** g71 12/22 p. 27 Why Jesus Christ Wanted No Publicity ***

    “Your Word Is Truth”

    Why Jesus Christ Wanted No Publicity

    MEN who are interested in gaining prominence and position exert themselves to get public recognition. They try to ‘sell themselves’ and create a wave of popularity that they can ride to gain power. Jesus Christ, however, was not out for showy publicity. He discouraged it. His kingdom was no part of the world, and, therefore, he had no need for the world’s recognition.

  • stuckinarut2

    Brilliant quote Hecce!!

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