15 Jehovah’s people remain loyal to the Messianic Kingdom not only by refusing military service but also by respectfully declining to join in nationalistic ceremonies. Especially since the outbreak of World War II, a wave of nationalistic fervor has swept the globe. Citizens of many countries have been required to vow allegiance to their homeland by reciting a pledge, singing a national anthem, or saluting a country’s flag. However, we give our exclusive devotion to Jehovah. (Ex. 20:4, 5) As a result, we have experienced a flood of persecution. Even so, Jehovah has again used “the earth” to swallow up some of this opposition. Note just a few of the remarkable victories that Jehovah through Christ has granted us in this matter.—Ps. 3:8.
Ok with the above in mind, how does JW.org explain this?
Hypocrisy of JW.org at this week's book study
by UnshackleTheChains 11 Replies latest watchtower scandals
A paragraph taken from this week's study of 'Gods Kingdom Rules -
previously wt applied the actions of the US military might as "the Earth" during WW2 as the "swallowing" action, now they apply it to the court victories after that conflict. shifting light.
It's only the Watchtower that decided saluting the flag or singing a national anthem was taking a vow of allegience. How is it even a vow? On top of this they then equate it as a form of worship or devotion. It is neither but because they say it is it becomes wrong. A JW is now under the impression that anyone saluting a flag is worshipping it and are judging that person as doing something wrong when they aren't.
Yes, good point.
But sadly 99% of witnesses know nothing of the hypocrisy that takes place in Chile and those surrounding nations!
Hey if the WTS wants to bend their rules little to just make or hold members, they will do so, look what they did at the UN a few years ago.
there were posts on this site showing H Knorr's, M. Henschel's l signature on the pledge of allegiance to the US , a requirement to obtain a US Passport then.
Mmmmm... nationalistic ceremonies... would that be like the recent one where the JW father got a Russian medal pinned to his chest (with a cross on it) in a nationalistic ceremony glorifying the fatherland?
JW father got a Russian medal pinned to his chest (with a cross on it) in a nationalistic ceremony glorifying the fatherland?
d1799, very apropo thought, Putin touted "Mother" madka Russia, then, during the nationalist ceremony, right now he is in the fatherland where he worked before.
That's the one thing that gets on my goat is hanging the flag on KH buildings in Chile. It was so outrageous that I remember at the time the story was breaking that I thought it was an apostate conspiracy. I even labeled it BS. Wt you just blow my mind.
That's the one thing that gets on my goat is hanging the flag on KH buildings in Chile. It was so outrageous that I remember at the time the story was breaking that I thought it was an apostate conspiracy. I even labeled it BS. Wt you just blow my mind.
It's fascinating how families are frowned upon or dissuaded by WT in allowing their kids to join their school sports team etc; and yet when its in WT interests, eg (WT being a member of the UN as an NGO) they bend the rules.
GB speaking with forked tongue imo.