I've seen them sitting down on the wall at Buchanan Street underground. Other locations in Glasgow are not so lucky with nowhere to sit.
Cart Witnessing Today In Liverpool [See Pic]
by pale.emperor 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The main things to the members- get some time, get a good parking space, get a place to sit, have coffee & lunch.
I imagine they laugh at the street preachers and think about how much of a nuisance they are- without thinking about their own past or their own door-to-door nuisances. -
I've always thought that this trend (I do not call it "work" or "activity", for it is neither) has had an unintended negative knock-on impact on their door-to-door work: I just don't see them "covering the territory" the way they once did - and when I do see them, it is invariably older JWs and few in number (my work takes me out and about in my community and over the years I've noticed their decreased visibility in the door-to-door work).
Not much point in setting up your WBT$ Literature cart..
When nobody wants the Crap..
"Really?..Really?!......THIS SHIT IS FREE!!"