Remember they said this was the last of the FB and the helpers would have to take over to lead the flock through the great GT?!

by nowwhat? 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vidiot
    Journeyman - “…I suspect that's because they're making decisions on the fly, depending on how the ‘world’ reacts (governments, court cases, etc)…”

    Someone over on the exjw subreddit once suggested they might be following a flow chart… if X happens, go right, if Y, go left…

    Journeyman - “…A foolish way to proceed, but inevitable when you lack your own deep-seated convictions…”

    Or when you’re still convinced you’re in the Last Days, but current events aren’t playing out at all the way they were supposed to.


  • Biahi

    I really appreciate your thoughts and insights, Vidiot.

  • Acluetofindtheuser

    They're making it up as they go along. Also, they were not divinely appointed to be God's representative in this day and age. A true appointment would be likened to a Damascus road event with Paul. To my recollection no one in the Bible Students or JW's had a direct conversation with Jesus on a special appointment. Everything that comes out of the mouth of "those that take the lead" should be taken with a grain of salt. Every time they promote a prediction that never comes to pass the whole organization is guilty of presumptuousness. King Saul fell into the sin of presumptuousness after he refused to follow the command of God, Never again would God deal with Saul and from then on everything Saul did seemed nutty. The guy did not know right from wrong and everything was against him. The Witnesses fell into this trap when they assumed they were speaking for God.

  • DesirousOfChange
    they're making decisions on the fly, depending on how the "world" reacts (governments, court cases, etc).

    Actually, it's my understanding they have begun to do serious investigations before changing their doctrines, positions, or policy. They have to confirm which way the (political) wind is blowing. . . .

    Clipart of a Caucasian Businessman ...

  • Vidiot

    What do you mean by “investigations”?

  • NotFormer

    Let's remember how we "know" that the FDS was appointed in 1919: a criminal thug who incited riots was released from prison.

  • DesirousOfChange
    What do you mean by “investigations”?

    When they "discover" they just got slapped with a CSA lawsuit or official notice of their tax exempt status being rescinded.

  • Vidiot

    Thought so.

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