Between January 1979 and July 1989, 15 children of Jehovah's Witnesses underwent corrective open surgery for congenital heart disease (CHD) on cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) under the supervision of Prof. Gomobtz. So it was he who implemented open heart surgery with J.W. children in Austria (Graz and Linz) and later he had 100s of J.W. patients who unterwent surgery. Prof. Gomotz is called "pioneer for less application of foreign blood (bloodless surgery)." The hospital Linz today needs 70 % less blood bottles than 10 years before. The department of Anasthesesiology of Linz is the oldest in the germanspeaking area.
He emerated as head of the hospital but is active in the field of scientific research on the transfusion medicine and education. His expertise makes him an expert in this field obvioulsy not only in Austria but as well in Europe. Therefore it is clear that he is scientific leader of the EU-Project.
new head of the department in Linz is Univ.Prof. Dr. Jens Meier who
changed from university hospital Tübingen to Linz. The same Eberhard-Karls University
Tübingen where Prof. Gombotz was active in scientific research too.
Referring the above mentioned open surgery with children here the abstract
Prof. Gomotz was cited in Der Standard 2013: "Each patient in each hospital should be treated like a J.W.“
"For the majority of operations additional blood is not required. Members of Jehovah's Witnesses would therefore only be rejected if it was a question of "borderline cases" in which the blood loss had been too large or multiple diseases.
The blood-saving alternatives to blood transfusions seem not only for many operations to be possible - even individual studies came to the conclusion that Jehovah's Witnesses interventions survived more frequently than patients receiving blood transfusions.
At the heart surgery at the Cleveland Clinic in the US about were 1983-2011 a total of 322 JWs surgery – patients mainly underwent predominantly bypass and valve replacement surgery. Ten deaths were reported by the hospital - 3.1 percent less than in the comparison group.
Regardless of fact that avoiding a blood transfusion can have a postitive affect to the course of disease, blood products are used too many times: Two years ago a study by the Health Ministry (Austria) came to the conclusion that only every second blood bottle is really necessary in Austria“
The rest of the text deals with frequency of deaths, Prof. Gomotz, said that it that would happen „very seldom“ and that the patients decision would be respected and how in this extrem situation the process is handled in Austria.