Notice that Parsons' quotes Philo as saying that the scriptures say "I made Man in the image of God". I then then searched the internet for scriptural source of this I discovered that the Septuagint translation (as translated by Brenton) of Genesis 9:6 says the following. "He that sheds man's blood, instead of that blood shall his own be shed, for in the image of God I made man. The first English translation of the Septuagint was made in the USA by Charles Thomson (who also translated the Greek NT, the first American to do so) and his translation of Genesis 9:6 says the following. "He who sheddeth man's blood shall for it have his own blood poured out; for in an image of God I have made man." See . says "Thomson's translation of the New Testament is the first translation into English that was accomplished in America. ... Charles Thomson was secretary of the Continental Congress from 1774 to 1789."
That rendering of "in the image of God I made man" is more consistent by speaking in the first person, than the meaning of the Hebrew which says "in God's image he made man", since the one doing the speaking (according to Genesis 9:1) is God! This supports the idea that early Christians got a number of their ideas about a heavenly Christ from reading the OT from the Greek Septuagint instead of from the Hebrew texts!
When the some of the first century Christians read the OT thy perceived Jesus Christ as being in some of those passages. The Greek Septuagint of Genesis 9:6 in saying "I" instead of "he" fully supports the NT teaching of Jehovah God having made mankind through Jesus Christ and it is in harmony with Genesis 1:26!
Perhaps the Greek Septuagint is more authentic to the original Hebrew Scriptures than the Masoretic Hebrew text is! Maybe Christians should stop translating the OT directly from the the type of Hebrew text which became known as the Masoretic text!