JOHN DAVIS- Well, you must either be a JW or a WT apologist. Your sense of " reasoning " ( if you can call it that ) is absolutely ridiculous.
Your statement, " I understand that people have a problem with the fact that he was reinstated and allowed to go door to door , but that is HIS RIGHT to practice his religion. " Uh-huh. And if by practicing that " right " he happens to start a Bible Study with a minor child that evolves into a child molestation session your view is " oh well he's practicing HIS form of religion " ? That's idiotic. Don't you understand there should be laws that restrict a known child molester from having close proximity to children ? There already ARE laws which produce information and photos of known registered sex offenders on Megan's law to inform the public of WHO these offenders are ! How on earth would you be able to assert in whatever universe you exist- that it's fine for a random child molester to call on minor children uninvited to their doors ? You're flipping crazy.
Also your quote, " Fourth , is this thought that the authorities were never notified when it is certainly possible for one to surmise that authorities were notified . " O.K. What kind of reasoning is this ? Circular ? And I might state it's entirely possible the other way around ! It's also possible that the authorities were NEVER notified and for one to surmise this is true as well. At least in some of these particular cases.
You live in an alternate universe dude, where your version of " freedom of religion " fosters criminal behavior- actually aiding and abetting child molesters. Wake up and smell reality