disfellowshipped family and friend being reinstated

by Together 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • zeb

    Be well aware. If you go back you will be watched, monitored, listened too, inspected all to see if your are bringing 'in' any 'apostate' ideas. Your hobbies will be criticised, any musical instrument and sport given the tsk tsk and you will have to watch what you wear. and whatever you do don't dare mention the ARC!

    Go back?

  • ToesUp

    This is why I HATE damn Facebook. The JW's use it as a weapon. How sad is it that we get feelings hurt over some idiot that "unfriends" us.

    Sorry they did this to you. I had a bad experience a few years ago with Facebook. I immediately deleted my Facebook account and never went back.

  • hyperpen

    Hi Together, I too have been out nearly 30 years. I have a couple of close relatives on Facebook, one reinstated, one disfellowshipped (but may go back). I'm puzzled that after the shunning video that just made its rounds at the conventions that the one back in has kept me as a friend (we don't communicate through Facebook at all). My father was maintaining very light contact with me until about a year ago and I suspect now knowing the nature of his "conscience" that he won't be having any sort of contact with me after having been given the instruction to not even answer the phone if I call. I stayed off of these boards for a long time afraid that I would burn bridges with these family members for good but have come to realize that me relationships with them, and to some extent, their love, are conditional. It's time I did what's right for me. I've even gone so far as to start my own blog at https://separatedfromtheflock.wordpress.com. I'm not afraid anymore!!

  • steve2

    Welcome Together. You held the hope they'd accept you back into their lives with no strings attached - a normal human desire for you to have. You learnt your JW family and acquaintances are still capable of petty- and mean- mindedness after all these years. It hurts.

    Resolve to really look after yourself and not to allow yourself the "luxury" of believing they love you for who you are . They don't because they can't.

    Grow stronger from this. Being hurt is so human - but for a life worth living, you must expect more of yourself. So be drawn to people who like and/or love you for who you are - and give a wide berth to those who are simply testing you to see if you will come crawling back. Don't ever again givevtgrmbtge satisfaction. Best! 👍

  • babygirl30

    As was already said, FB is not real life. It is cyber world...where people can be bullies online yet punks in person. Models with filters on the web, but ugly as Hell face to face. None of it is REAL. Dont let that pettiness get you down. What does having a df'd person on fb prevent a JW from? Absolutely nothing. It is just games.

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