GB Update #2, March 2024: Women allowed to wear pants, no ties/coats required if not giving a talk, & now able to greet DF ones in the KH!

by WingCommander 194 Replies latest jw friends

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    As of recently:

    It's okay for JW men/brothers to sport beards. They don't need to wear suits, ties or coats to Kingdom Hall meetings, field service, assemblies and conventions. And it's okay for JW sisters/women to wear pants to Kingdom Hall meetings, field service, assemblies and conventions.

    Someone has the JW Governing Body by the the balls and they're squeezing...they have a really strong grip...the question is who???

  • Jehalapeno
    lawsuits will flood the courts from cases decades old.

    In the US, the statute of limitations on wrongful death or personal injury lawsuits varies, but most states are 2-3 years from the cause of action, which would be the death from refusing blood transfusions.

    In the US, the rule change would be impossible to use as a cause of action due to first amendment protections.

  • wannaexit

    I have a crick in my neck from shaking my head side to side. With Norway and Spain, it was a matter of time that these changes would happen. I just didn't think they would happen so soon.

  • Vidiot
    JW GoneBad - Someone has the JW Governing Body by the the balls and they're squeezing...they have a really strong grip...the question is who???”


    …if I’m right, and the changes are - in the end - to keep qualifying for “charity” status (i.e. tax-exemption)…

    …it’d be the I.R.S., I suppose.


  • slimboyfat

    The new arrangement for DFing children is that the elders will try especially hard to avoid DFing them and allow parents to take the lead in disciplining them. But at the end of the day he says they will still be DFed if unrepentant.

    If this is intended to reverse the decision in Norway I don’t think it will cut the ice, because children can still be DFed in this new arrangement. They’ve attempted a compromise but I don’t think it’s enough.

  • Vidiot

    Seriously, though…

    …don’t fuck with federal revenue agencies.

    These are the guys that took down Capone.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    This has probably been mentioned but this is all about whats happening in Norway.

    Russia has already mocked Norway and basically said "we told you so" in regard to banning JW's. The GB is obviously concerned other countries will take notice of Norway and look more closely at the practises of JW's.

  • Jeffro

    The fact that it is actually significant that women are being told they're 'allowed' to wear slacks instead of a dress should be enough to tell people it's a high-control group.

  • NotFormer

    Vidiot: "This isn’t about retaining membership.

    It’s about keeping their charity status to stave off insolvency"

    Absolutely. All these steps towards a "kinder gentler " organisation seem to be illusions designed to look like a loosening of the reins. It's a smokescreen designed to look like the GB doesn't actually tell the R&F what to do and how to act.

    A big clue is in how they are telling JWs that they can use their "Bible trained conscience". That's code for: we still want you to be arseholes to the disfellowshipped, but if you are a bit less of an arsehole to them, we can present ourselves to "the World's governments" as lightening up on the disfellowshipping and shunning.

  • NotFormer

    Another concern the wording raises is where they say that Christian parents and guardians can attend the meetings of the elders with the elders of the "offending" child. This is more code, strictly meaning JW parents, but designed to make government investigators think that it is broader than that. The hope is that the Norwegian (and other) government(s) will think that the word "Christian" will mean more than the WT's narrow definition.

    A problem I can see: while unlikely, there may be a minor who has become a JW from outside the organisation (he wasn't born in and his family are not JWs) and got baptised*. If he is called before the elders, they won't let him be accompanied by his parents.

    So, nothing has changed, they'll still be arseholes and stick the knife in when they can get away with it.

    *This is an unlikely scenario, but not entirely impossible.

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