Did you think this was it for the Watchtower-(Covid)- Well-They are coming back with even greater ZEAL!

by pistolpete 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    This was not a "test", but the beginning of the end of all our freedoms (what's left of them) before Noahide Law is imposed worldwide. Field circus starting back up is just one more reason for me to not get my coronavirus vaccine, to add to the stack.

    What's coming is way worse. The harm the vaccine does will be enough for draconian measures to be taken, forcing everyone to take the torture shot. (Though not quite the death of everyone that took it--though you can expect major chronic illness from it). We will be getting strict enforcement of this requirement. In addition, we are looking at an energy crisis that will make the 1970s look like a time of plenty. Somehow, we are getting into a major war in the Middle East that will become World War III. Expect people up to age 50 to be drafted for this. Drought will become widespread, making the Dust Bowl look like a giant flood. (All manufactured). Race wars will escalate, and it will be a crime for white people to fight back. Your taxes will increase, and this too will be based on race and reparations.

    And don't fall for the discussion of Trump being reinstated. This is just to toy with us. Instead, Komodo Dragon Harris will be installed, aggressively prosecuting anyone that has a record of supporting Trump (or, for that matter, past presidents all the way back to Kennedy). I expect that, once Komodo Dragon is president, that Noahide Law along with mandatory coronavirus vaccines will be installed within the year. Of course, field circus will continue unimpeded since the jokehovians are compliant to a degree with Noahide Law.

    Within the washtowel, I expect them to come out with "new light" once Noahide Law becomes reality. Since these laws come so close to what is in their stupid bible, they will simply declare that these laws are the Truth. Despite that people will suffer under them instead of prospering (they are a form of communism), the washtowel will make them appear to be the kingdom they have been praying for. Only this time, instead of repeatedly going to your door, they will simply have your head chopped off for violating any of these rules.

  • Rocketman123

    90% of the JWS religion is about hyped bullshit, mixed with pure ignrace

    Unfortunately it works on some people.

  • FFGhost
    told by some elders that meetings and field service will resume before the end of the year.

    There's nothing "official", but it's definitely on the way.

    For example, in the local congregation, they announced that the January 2022 circuit assembly is scheduled to be held in person at the nearest assembly hall.

    Subject to change of course, but it's a sign they are planning on trying to resume "normal" activities.

  • alanv

    I know the question i will be asking them when they finally resume door to door work. If the org has Jehovah's protection, how is it that 5 times more witnesses have died per million cases than the rest of the world? Also if we are on the brink of armaggeddon, how come the preaching work has gone down so much, and that in most lands they are losing members.

  • Listener
    Now is not the time to focus on Education, Entertainment, and Work, retirement, etc, but now is the time to exert onself and enter the full time service, brothers to reach out for Ministerial servant and Elder, and those studying to get baptized.

    This is not a new message and therefore it can't be given a parallel of retreating out of Jerusalem. This has always been their message.

  • asp59

    Strange heard assembly will be online for 2022. How they gonna go back to normal if KHs being sold and they building a media studio. Think it's just rumors from elder. Plus if world will end in 12 months what's the point of starting with door to door or meetings.😁

  • nowwhat?

    As I always say. With what's going on in the world today, does it look like peace and security is coming anytime soon? And show me any fragment of info that the govts are planning to go after religion!

  • zachias

    This frequent depiction of Police as gestapo hit squads must fairly piss any serving Police off.

  • FFGhost
    Strange heard assembly will be online for 2022.

    There was an announcement a few months back that there would be no international conventions in 2022.

    They have not said anything about the "normal" (how's that for a misnomer) regional conventions for 2022.

  • john.prestor

    I expect that regional conventions will be back next summer, and that door-to-door preaching will be back before that. It's no test of course, but that doesn't mean the Governing Body won't bring those in-person activities back as soon as they think they won't get sued or endure bad press. They need occasions like that to tie the congregation together emotionally.

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