by The Rebel 35 Replies latest jw friends
Try living in poverty and see how happy you are. -
The Rebel
Heaven " Try living in poverty and tell me how happy you are?
The Rebel ( A) There are some to whom poverty requires no introduction, but to others who think they live in poverty, they should question what they think poverty and happiness is.
Maybe I am quirky, but give me a walk along the canal, add a paint brush and pallet I am happy. And the boat friends I have met that live on " barges" on the canal. Sadly most homeowners would think the people that live on the canal, live in poverty. So the question remains " What is poverty"
I think having a lot of wealth and being an arrogant, obnoxious prick is living in poverty, but then again most that I know that have money are not arrogant, obnoxious pricks, and those that I know, in which I could include refugees that sleep in the woods are not poor in spirit and in fact are no less happy than many I know that are rich.
What do I base that on? Simply I am friends with both, and as I walked the canal with my boy, I met and played football with the refugee kids, and my kid and I have also played football with the rich long as you get away from ego and are a genuine person, I think money is not so important.
Now stand me up and shoot me down...bang, bang I loose.
The Rebel
Doubtfully Yours
Biblical quotes that are for real when it comes to money (some may get lost in Spanish to English translation):
- For the money lover, there will not exist enough money to satisfy him (Ecclesiastes 5:10).
- Love of money is th root of evil (1 Tim 6:9,10).
- The rich thinks his money and possessions are a stronghold but only in his mind (Proverbs 18:11).
Sooooooo real!!!
The Rebel,
Very nicely stated. I love working with many charities especially those that benefit children in need.
On a personal side I also helped a mom for 2 years with 4 children get back on her feet after her and I successfully saw that her husband went to jail for a very long time for the unthinkable. I took care of her kids every night so she could work the premium shift in the ICU unit. I got both her's and my kids off to school and then put in a full 8 hours in my office. After 2 years she was able to financially afford to switch to the day shift and be home with her kids at night.
FYI on that - generally people who win the lottery are people who were NEVER prepared for dealing with having lots of money, nor are the circle of family and friends part of a group of people who have money and are not looking to benefit from the pot of gold in their reach.
That, and they've also made a habit of making bad decisions with money (like buying a low percentage/probability lottery ticket) in the first place LOL... Wealthy people (and those who patiently build wealth) generally do not make bad financial decisions and don't play the lottery. Those who are accustomed to having no money and making bad monetary decisions play the lotto. Winning the lotto doesn't all of a sudden make you a good decision maker with that cash. Quite the contrary, so winners end up broke again (and back in their comfort zone) very quickly.