The G.B when making huge decisions consults experts, often non JW's. But when making decisions such as these they feel capable in themselves, which, as Doubting Bro points out above, they certainly are not.
They make such decisions based on a knee-jerk reaction, with little thought to the consequences. They, in my decades of experience, have rarely foreseen a problem, it is always reactive, not proactive.
Where is the Holy Spirit when you need it a ?
In this case, with Data Protection, I bet they quizzed " Legal" as to any possible get-outs, were told there were none, and decided on this course of action, hoping to find ways later to keep JW's busy and brain-dead, too tired to ask questions, even in their own minds.
Even so, niggling doubts must be occurring to many J.W's, the old Cognitive Dissonance must be reaching screaming level in their heads.