Anyone else remember those talks about being materialistic? I can remember when the brother would go on about owning the latest gadgets, new cars, boats and bigger houses. It seems they always precluded their remarks with, "These things aren't wrong in themselves...." and then would go on to make a big deal about how unspiritual it would be to own these things. Of course we would all sit there and nod in agreement not thinking for ourselves. But if you were to use your own noggin for a minute you have to ask, "If these things aren't wrong, then what's wrong with owning them, if we can afford them?" The WTS is an expert on taking things that aren't wrong and making them wrong.
"These things aren't wrong in themselves....."
by undercover 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Excellent point, Undercover. What has really "got my goat" over the years are the talks downplaying materialism by various elders who for one reason or another are comparatively well off compared to the R&F witnesses. We are made to feel guilty for having anything nice while these guys drive new cars, have new homes built, etc.
My last shepherding visit was about me being less "materialistic"...And of course the obligatory "reaching out" for more "privilages". As if they don't take up enough of your time as it is.
The main thrust is supposed to be that such things are only wrong if seeking them interferes with one's service to God.
However, instead, many are made to feel guilty about any nice things they do own. Still others, especially elders who have nice toys and gadgets, talk about avoiding material pursuits while they drive their BMW and Lexus vehicles. Just attend any assembly and take a look around the parking lot.
The other week, I was talking w a jw friend of mine, who mentioned that a recent exhortation about avoiding working overtime was given by an elder who drives a Lexus and has a lucrative business, while my R&F buddy struggles to make ends meet and tries to bridge the financial gap by working some OT and is made to feel bad for doing so.
The other week, I was talking w a jw friend of mine, who mentioned that a recent exhortation about avoiding working overtime was given by an elder who drives a Lexus and has a lucrative business, while my R&F buddy struggles to make ends meet and tries to bridge the financial gap by working some OT and is made to feel bad for doing so.
I remember those days well. An elder driving a Lexus, owned his own business, set his own hours counseling the brother whose wife didn't work, kids sick and he had to work overtime to make ends meet.
When I worked overtime, it was mandatory. The boss would make an announcement on Monday and say, "we're working 10 hour days till further notice". You had to have a good reason for getting out of it. Otherwise, don't even ask. I remember (stupid me) going to the hall straight from work, in work clothes, and an elder giving me a hard time for not coming to the hall dressed properly. After that, I didn't even bother going if I had to work late.
And interestingly enough, it is up to someone else who is spiritually superior to decide how YOU feel about your posessions. It is so utterly ridiculous, but yet another way that they insinuate themselves into your personal life where they do not belong. So it's not really wrong to have things, but someone might decide on your behalf that you are materialistic because you have the nice things and they don't, it is wrong on that basis (in actuality, based on their argument, jealousy becomes the real factor, not the actual posession). So ultimately, it is wrong despite what they say, unless you are contributing a large amount to the coffers every month and then it will be overlooked and taken advantage of to the fullest extent possible.
I think the whole materialism line is joke. The GB want you to spend time on their interests not your own. As for God, I have a little saying about this topic. " Our God is materially rich beyond measure. If He willed, every human who had ever lived could be given a different galaxy!
The sun spits out more matter in one solar flare than all the matter humanity has ever possessed in our entire history. God could care less that I own a custom Jag! Maverick
You know what's REALLY stupid? As good witnesses you're not supposed to go after material posessions, spend too much time recreating, etc. Basically you're supposed to devote the time it takes to do those frivolous things to serving god (eg, the society).
But the tables turn when talking about the new system. That's when you'll have ALL of your desires completely filled! So you guys, it'll be a-ok to be materialistic and pursue your fleshly desires in the new system. But right now it's bad and wrong and the elder police will come after you.
Quite frankly......I now enjoy the fact that I live in a big house, drive a fancy sports car, and wear expensive clothing and jewlry. What the heck. I worked my heart out, put myself through college while raising a little boy by myself. I worked hard and now can reap some of the benefits. There's nothing wrong with enjoying good things when they come your way.
Don't forget too that the R&F are also "encouraged" to think of example, so that even if you could afford something, you must consider how it would appear to others. Guilt! Guilt!
Cheers, Ozzie