Are JWs forgetting Jesus altogether?

by KerryKing 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • KerryKing

    A relative sent me yesterday's WT study article 46, How Jehovah Guarantees His Promise of Paradise.

    It's been a long time since I read one of those articles but what really struck me about this one is that, considering it's discussing a fundamental JW belief, it only mentions Jesus twice as an aside, and not at all as the central figure like the Bible does.

    It actually mentions Satan far more in the same article!

    I don't remember this discrepancy from my time in the org 15 years ago.

    Are they quietly rejecting the King so they can reject 1914 as well........?

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  • nowwhat?

    According to our teachings it was a guaranteed promise the new system would be here before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passed away. So either Jehovah lied to his channel or they are presumptuous false prophets

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  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    JWs have for decades & decades only given Jesus Christ token service. They're hung-up on the hybrid name 'Jehovah' & have been what seems like forever. Also noteworthy, for the past couple of years they've emphasized the word 'Organization' more and more as well as the GB Meatheads who run this organization.

    But as far as the main character in the Christian Greek Scriptures (New Testament) Jesus Christ...Kerry King is spot on ...J. C. as far as JWs are concerned will continue to occupy a back seat...he's just not relevant at this time in Watchtower world!

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  • Riley

    The story of Christianity is of a god who himself becoming that intermediary figure that advocates on our behalf ( sinful humanity ). The human one who sit on the empty throne besides god. That is why Jesus is kind of the center of the religion. It is also the reason it kind of becomes ambiguous who god is and Christ is.

    What JWs believes really doesn't fit the bible story or what the big picture of scripture really is all about.

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  • enoughisenough

    who needs Jesus when the GB consider themselves his substitute and have a voice liken to Jesus?

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  • carla

    I mentioned this to my jw years ago! in fact I could go on for hours about how the jw's have made Jesus basically a side note. I was too late, he was too far gone by then, sigh.

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  • Vanderhoven7

    JWs are not permitted to have any kind of a relationship with angels, so it stands to reason that they would ignore him.

    Strangely although Jesus strictly speaking is not their mediator and he is once again Michael the archangel they still tack on his earth name to the end of their prayers.

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    I always thought it quite odd that JWs promote themselves as [the only true] Christians but without Christ. Only a passing mention. Like HE'S not worthy of the attention and respect. Maybe I've got it wrong.


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  • Vanderhoven7

    Jesus did not pay for the sins of 8.5 million JWs. They and mostly everyone else pays for their own sins by their death.

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  • Wonderment

    TTWSYF: I always thought it quite odd that JWs promote themselves as [the only true] Christians but without Christ. Only a passing mention. Like HE'S not worthy of the attention and respect. Maybe I've got it wrong.

    Your observation is proper. Although I don't believe in the Trinity doctrine per se, it is quite obvious that the WTS does not give Jesus the rightful place he deserves, as "Mediator" between God and men. (1 Tim 2.5)

    Jesus, in effect, has taken a back seat within the WT organization, and replaced by the feeble, self-centric, and sinful Governing Body. This is one big reason I left the JW organization. Jesus deserves way more attention and respect than what he is getting there. (Heb 1.6) After all, it was the Father's will when he sent him to earth for all men to 'listen to him' in the main, not to have human followers supplant him by fanciful claims. (Mt 17.5; Lu 21.8)

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