Some further info from ABC news:
Last Friday, the minister had a positive meeting with representatives of the following churches (with some more percentages of abuse reported in private sessions included):
- Catholic Church (37 per cent)
- Anglican Church of Australia (9 per cent)
- Salvation Army (4 per cent)
- Uniting Church (1.3 per cent)
- Baptist Union Church (0.6 per cent)
- Churches of Christ (0.4 per cent)
- Lutheran Church (0.3 per cent)
Australian Christian Churches, YMCA, Scouts, Yeshivah Melbourne and Yeshiva Bondi were also present; Seventh-day Adventist Church (0.4 per cent) and Presbyterian Church (2 per cent) were apologies.
Jehovah's Witness (1 per cent) did not attend but will be involved in round two of negotiations — one-on-one meetings with the minister's department.