It matters not who is doing the actions--it is the actions themselves. If certain demographics are being herded into willful stupidity, that stupidity will lead them into jokehovianism (and ensure these people will become perfect slaves to transform the earth into home for the reptilians, and to donate their souls to reptilians). It just so happens that black and hispanic people are, in this country, being trained in schools to do lousy on purpose, so they can be parasites. This all but assures they will be vulnerable to cults, and ultimately to being totally enslaved. And it is not just North America--note the large growth of jokehovians south of the border, and Brazil has a plague of them.
Whose fault is it? Those running the schools--and the whole system. They own the whole media, the whole diseducational system, the whole financial system, the whole government, the whole everything. (Hint: Who is it that the bible always exalts as those who will be ruling the world? And Revelation makes it clear--New [a city that will provide the most blatant clue of who it is] seems to be quite frequently mentioned in this book as the world capitol. And they set policies, starting peer pressure on certain demographics to be violent, lazy, and willfully stupid. And, all too many of them do end up becoming jokehovian witlesses.
Needless to say, drugs don't help the situation. How many new jokehovians are former drug users? Too many, and it is because drugs make you stupid (and this does not favor race--white people that use drugs are going to be just as affected as black or brown people that use drugs). The drugs mess up your brain, and then some scam artists come with a "solution" that requires you to be a slave. After the drugs do their work, you submit. Solution: Do not use drugs. Do not waste your money on weed or other drugs, legal or not. And, also regardless of what it is called in your area, try to do well in school and learn the basics and common sense. It will then be that much harder for you to fall into scams and cults--or to be fully enslaved.