The org. I would die to show it is a cult and it's lie's.To show it's members what satan really looks like in a suit ,while living in a castle called ,,,;The watch Tower.
Are there any beliefs you would be willing to die for ?
by Earnest 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes Norman! I would give my life willingly! if I could know that all the JWS could be free from Mind Control of Jehovahs Witnesses. I am going to be 76 this week.( Tell Rita & Alan-who was ssupposed to LOVE me more than anything else in the World- then when I was DF for not believing Jesus came in 1914- hasnt spoken to me since----) I would hope you would also be free also>>>>>>>
Happy birthday, mouthy. Who is Norman?
Nathan Natas
I believe that I am a being of finite resources and that entropy rules. I will die for this belief, whether I want to or not.
My right to die.
I am serious.
Norman???/I dont know Earnest.....I always call YOU Norman.... Thats all right you should hear what I call others!!!! Thanks a million for you best wishes on my birthday...
Anyone who is willing to die for a belief is a brainwashed idiot.
I was willing to die for mine....Now I am just an idiot...albeit not a brainwashed one.