Who has more Zeal, wt or Isis?

by prologos 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Prologos, why is that.

    ISIS records beheadings of people. Then broadcasts them.

    By blowing yourself up, you get 70 virgins.

    ISIS, a lot more extreme.

    JWs don't promote weapons. ISIS has large armies with weapons. They are more extreme.

  • prologos
    Beth Sarim. of course. there is no direct comparison in the methods. I was trying to draw attention to the shared callousness toward dissenting close family members, children, parents as in this isis case. . Some might argue, that a quick death is prefered to a life long shunning, being despised by the ones you held so dear, over a doctrinal or leadership issue, that can change as quickly as hitting the publish button.
  • cookiemaster
    In my view, I think that JWs are at least as dangerous as ISIS just by judging on the basis of how many people they've killed. Some researchers believe that in the past few decades an average of 7000-16,000 JWs died every single year due to their rejection of blood transfusions. In total, I think this religion is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths. Not as many as the million killed by Islam, but nothing to be ashamed of.

    What makes JWs more dangerous than ISIS is their sheep clothing. They appear like weird but decent people. You'll welcome them in your house, listen to their teachings, get love-bombed and join, only to see your child/spouse/parent die for refusing a blood transfusion or otherwise put their life on the line because of the "truth". The fact is that JWs have a much greater potential of numbers, especially in underdeveloped countries.

    They will last longer than ISIS and I can be almost certain that they will kill more people than ISIS ever will. But in terms of zeal, I don't know. The average JW definitely doesn't have much zeal and the ones at the top are mere charlatans that chase power and money.
  • prologos
    cm "--7000-16,000 JWs died every single year--" can you post your authority for those figures? I did not think about how passively letting your child or mother die compares to pulling the trigger.
  • Diogenesister

    They are the same. I don't know why people cannot see that!

    Its only a question of doctrine...the utter belief you are carrying out the will of god and that others are spawn of the devil is identical. If the witnesses did not believe that Jesus ended the law they would gladly kill.

  • prologos
    Ds :--" If the witnesses did not believe that Jesus ended the law --"" Valid point. it is the first time I heard this as an impediment to carry out their judgements. I read that it is Caesar's laws that ties their hands.
  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    OK I see your point. I see your point with the callousness of shunning immediate family for no longer believing the Borg.

    I must say that practise should be looked at equal to or worse than ISIS in a way. Driving people to suicide with that practise. And the blood ban. Thousands and thousands killed, maybe because of misinterpretation of Acts.

    If you are watching the NFL playoff games today, with those stadiums full of people. Those vast crowds sitting there are the number of people who have died TOTALLY UNECCESSARILY, of what could be a false interpretation. Yes, 10s and 10s of thousands. Similar to an NFL stadium full of people.

  • Vidiot

    ISIS, hands down.

    There's no comparison.

  • cookiemaster
    Prologos, the question was about zeal. You need quite a good amount of zeal to let a loved one die because of a stupid doctrine. But, it's not always that passive. Many of these are persons actively have to sign their own life or their loved one's away. Sure, might not be as vicious as jamming a knife in their throat, but the end result is the same. These numbers were a mathematical estimation made by a worldly organization from my country, based on the number of JWs and the frequency of situations that require blood (accidents, health conditions, etc). The numbers might not be totally accurate, but the real number is certainly in the thousands (if not tens of thousands), annually.
  • prologos
    cm; "--You need quite a good amount of zeal to let a loved one die because of a stupid doctrine. --" well said! it takes an ingrained inflammation to shun your mother/ father day in, day out, year in year out, over a stupid doctrine that may already be old light, already printed out of validity in the wt to come out in 2016/ 6/06.

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