Old WT books

by Biahi 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Biahi

    So, here I am going through boxes and boxes of old WT literature. I’m stacking it up from 1940’s to 1990’s. I also have quite a few gems, like one 1917 Studies in the Scriptures. Also the old book by Marley Cole entitled Jehovah’s Witnesses, The New World Society from 1955.

    i have no room to keep this stuff. I would like to sell everything, possibly by date. Such as, the 1940’s, 1950’s, etc. I would prefer to sell within the continental US. Any takers? If you send me a private message, I can be more specific.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    better still--put them to good use. A big bonfire.

  • vienne


  • Biahi

    I wish I knew how to do eBay.

    Stan, I would just throw them away, but then we are destroying proof of the false teachings.

  • slimboyfat

    If you’ve got any copies of the orange Bible Stories book they are strangely valuable for a publication that isn’t so old.

  • Biahi

    I have 2!

  • slimboyfat

    Well don’t go crazy, I mean they probably fetch around $30 to $50 which seems a high price to me for what it is. Apparently some people must buy it out of nostalgia believe it or not!

  • NotFormer

    "Apparently some people must buy it out of nostalgia believe it or not!"

    Sounds like pining for the years when the school bully kicked your butt. 😱

  • moomanchu

    The older stuff with controversial, 'old light' teachings or predictions sell for more.

    Even if you don't know how to use Ebay, go on it look up the books you have and see what they are selling for.

    Some can be quite valuable others not worth the time and effort.

    I've sold a few and made a couple bucks.

  • QueerCrustacean

    Hello! I've been looking for jw literature for art projects, and I'm interested in taking some off your hands. I especially am looking for:

    All of the tracts

    Revelation book

    Mankind's search for God

    Issues of Our Kingdom Ministry

    Greatest man who ever lived

    A nwt Bible

    My book of Bible stories

    Young people ask

    Jehovahs witnesses and education

    Anything about blood transfusions

    1994 awake bound volume or the may 22 1994 awake single issue

    And probably many more!


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