One poster here mentioned how, after he was appointed as an elder, things took on a more "corporate" feel. I was an MS and as such went, dutifully, to the bi-annual meetings with the CO. I was sorely disappointed. I had imagined sort of a round-table discussion of trends and potential difficulties in the congregation, along with a coordinated effort to help people out. Wrong. It turned out to be a bit by bit coverage of an outline from headquarters that didn't seem to have any real substance. I figured that the defect was my own.
Then along came public talks. I had always been self conscious about speaking so I really prepared the talk so that I was able to feel that I really had something to offer. High fives from many in the congregation. But not the elders. I had not stuck like glue to the outline.
I had seen brothers give talks like I was trying to give and they were viewed as good speakers, lots of heart and soul. I was raked over the coals. Since those years I've noticed that there are fewer and fewer heartfelt talks. They all seem to be trying to sound like each other even to the extent of using the same "word-whiskers."
It makes me puke. What happened to my religion?