At the last District Convention, the book "Worship the Only True God" was released intended to be used along with the "Knowledge" book on home Bible studies. Both books are to be studied before baptism. So, what are the 'new recruits' learning?
This is the fourth in a series of posts selecting a "highlight" from each chapter: In chapter 4, after discussing the role of the Messiah and forgiveness, the statement is made towards the end of the chapter:
"Discerning how marvelously Jehovah has used Jesus in accomplishing His will and how vital it is that all of us follow Jesus' steps closely, we will make the Christian ministry one of the most important activities in our life. Our faith will be evident from the conviction with which we tell others about this magnificent gift from God." [Emphasis added]
What does this tell the new recruit? That they must engage in the JWs witnessing activities if they are to be 'saved', or live on the paradise earth. Intentionally, this comes at the end of a chapter that discusses the great love that the Father has for humankind so that the reader feels obliged to comply with the directions being given. But is it what the Bible says?
Many are the texts which show that everlasting life is a free gift from God; it cannot be 'earned', just as a gift cannot be earned.
Of course, the WTS is trapped in a theology of salvation by works instead of grace (loving-kindness?) but for the new recruit they have laid the groundrules in this book.
For a dub, he/she is only as 'good' as their last report!
Cheers, Ozzie