Do you ever just get frustrated?

by Aztec 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • obiwan

    I'm that way about food, I didn't get enough when I was a kid. Now I see the "reality" show where people are put out in the middle of no where and made to do these stupid stunts so they can get a meal, meanwhile in our country or any other people are so hungry they would kill for half of what we consider a meal, when I see people just waist food it really irks me. There is no reason for any person to starve...uh-oh I need to get off my soap box, I'm starting to rant.

  • shera

    I feel like this a lot,too much perhaps.

  • teenyuck
    A show about a man who's up to doing the right goddamn thang... a man who's so different from the jerk who's in there now.

    TJ, sorry to burst your bubble, however, Pres. Bartlett on the West Wing did exactly what Bush did....he ordered that a despot who had slaughtered people be assinated. It is a major issue on the show this year. Martin Sheen is alot different from his character. His character has all the trappings of a rich, spoiled man. Puts his ethics on the line for any reason. Sound familiar? Every Pres in recent history (last 40 years or so) fits that criteria.

    As to being frustrated....if you did not know the dubs right now Aztec and they came to your door with a message of a new system, you would be a perfect recruit.

    You can be proactive as XenaW pointed out. There are so many ways to help. Volunteering is one way.

    I think the world will be like it is for generations....just like it has been for generations. There will always be have-nots. The *haves* have some responsibility to help them, however, the *have-nots* have to be taught to help themselves.

    The other issue is religion. The areas of the world that are the most blighted and poor have religion high on their list of important things that require following the dictates of someone *appointed* by god.

    If a time ever comes where somewhere, someone is NOT hungry, thirsty, poor etc. armageddon will have occured.

    PS....I will be at Ohio State University today (as I have been for the last week) signing up people for Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. It is a breast cancer run/walk. 30,000 people have signed up so for to help the cause. The run/walk is tomorrow and I have to be there at 5:00 to help set up. Gives you a nice feeling to know you are doing something other than wringing your hands saying "the world sucks." Stop by and see me if you are in Columbus. I'll give you a goodie bag.

  • Aztec

    Teenyuck and XW, I agree that it's important to be proactive. I do try to donate time and money to causes that I think are important. I also try to stay politically involved and encourage others to do so also. Some days it just gets frustrating, because even the positive steps are so tiny and take so long to accomplish. And yes, I realize how lucky I am to live where I live, in the times that I am living. :) ~Aztec

  • Realist


    very good post!

    its really a damn shame that the world is run only by bastards. for instance the US is spending 360 BILLION $ for the military in just one year...imagine what one could do with that money.

    unfortunately there are forces at work that cannot be stopped... greed, cupidity, jelousy and eagerness of power. humans are just one step ahead of apes and it shows big time every day

  • JH

    I can see it everywhere also. There seems to be 3 classes more and more distinct. The poor, the well off, and the rich.

    It's striking when I look at the job bank and see the salaries offered. Either the job pays 22$ an hour or 7$ an hour. No in betweens. Well that's the way it is here. So either you are well off, or you're poor. I didn't say rich. That's something completely different from $22 an hour.

    People have many things, cars, houses, boats, whatever, and most of the time not much is payed for. It's only a illusion of being well off. The moment you lose your job, you have to sell the whole thing.

    I think what's written in the bible applies to this topic. In my words, it says, "as long as you have food, clolthing, and a roof, be satisfied". I think that sums it up.

  • Francois

    I wouldn't get too excited about the delta Vee between Bush and that imposter on West Wing. It's really easy to write a script for a TV show where the president of the US has the milk of human kindness by the quart in every vein.

    In the real world, hedged about by real world problems, that kind of president is hardly possible. Do you get your love life urges satisfied by reading Harlequin "bodice ripper" novels? Then why should you get your political ideals satisfied by a television program written by leftist idealists and played by Martin Sheen, well known leftist agitator and high school graduate?

    I think you guys would do well to deal in reality as opposed to the fiction of a tv program.


  • Ghost of Esmeralda
    Ghost of Esmeralda

    oh yeah. I feel this way all the time.

    last year there was an incident in my state which haunts me and probably will for the rest of my life.

    Two children were left to die in a car in the sweltering summer heat...while their mother got a massage, her hair done, and her nails manicured.

    It took them awhile to die. The details of the story are so horrific I won't post them here: but if you want to read 'sanitized' version of the story you can find it here.

    OH MY GOD! I can't believe they put that URL with the story, that is HORRIBLE!!!

    I cried for days over this. I swear, I would've taken these kids myself to raise, they were so beautiful. Just babies. The older boy tried to get his baby sister out of her car seat too :(

    And while filth like their mother is able to reproduce without let-up (later it was found she'd abandoned another child, and was pregnant at the time this happened! At least they took her baby away when it was born!) while I have friends who would make wonderful parents who struggle with infertility and adoption issues.

    This is one sick, twisted world we live in...but unfortunately it's the only one we've got.


  • obiwan

    Essie I didn't know you were in Michigan, I remember that it was terrible, just a day ago some lady went to the casino for a couple of hours, when she came back she met the police as they were puuling her kids out of the car a passer bt noticed the kids. They are fine.

  • mouthy

    Yes I get so upset when I hear stories of MOTHERS who neglect the little ones. This week in Toronto a little girl was kidnapped & CUT UP.... Her name was Holly-Thats when the LORD & I have a verbal "run in" Why didnt you stop it??? If I was GOD!!!! NONE OF US WOULD BE HERE I would wipe us all off the face of the earth.....

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