Another Up Building Field Service Experience

by ThomasCovenant 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ThomasCovenant

    The following was from a friend of mine:

    Yesterday for the first time in the 2 years we've been living here. Two 50+ year old women. They came via the back driveway so were wandering around looking for the front door. I knew who they were instantly, so eagerly opened the conservatory for them.

    Them: Could we interest you in....

    Me: Jehovah's witnesses?

    Them: Yes:

    Me: Not interested thanks

    Them: Any particular reason for that?

    Me: Yes I was brought up as one.

    Them: Oh! What made you leave?

    Me: Science. The bible is a work of fiction, and not a very pleasant one at that, and I just can't
    believe the nonsense it suggests really happened. Not only that, but it's not a very nice
    organisation; oppressive to women and abusive to children, and totally hypocritical in the way the governing body behave; not to mention the way they change their doctrine constantly. Like every other religion but more controlling.

    Them: Well, luckily we all have free will so you were allowed to make that decision for yourself.

    Me: Yes, I have free will, but you certainly don't. Try telling the elders you've read a book by Richard Dawkins called "the greatest show on earth" proving evolution is fact, and see what happens. In fact tell them you've read "anything" that wasn't authorized by the governing body and see what happens. I guarantee your display of free will, will be stamped out immediately. Better yet, tell your friend there (pointing at the silent woman next to her); I assume you consider her a friend right? Well tell her that you don't believe what the witnesses teach anymore. Watch how quickly your friendship evaporates. She'll never speak another word to you for as long as you live, and neither will any of the other friends you have, and possibly neither will your own family depending on how fearful they are of using their free will. All your relationships are conditional, and are primarily reliant on you definitely never using your free will.

    Them: Ok bye.

    I then went in and treated myself to a nice mince pie [wife] had just baked. A job well done. Merry Christmas!
  • Phizzy

    Job well done indeed Thomas, I am sure you firmly planted some seeds of doubt there !

    And if not, or if the seeds do not germinate, at least that must have been so satisfying !

    It feels great to prick their smug, superior bubble, and as it bursts they realise they simply have no reply to you, and all they can do to make themselves feel better is put their Cognitive Dissonance into Warp-Speed Overdrive.

    Have a great Christmas !

  • stuckinarut2


    Well done.

    Yes, the Freind will indeed drop her if she disagrees with "gods channel of communication "

  • Heaven

    Wow! Very well done.

    See how they just turn and go? They don't want to engage and I would suspect they have labelled you apostate. Let's see if they return. My bet is they won't. JWs cannot handle the real truth.

    Mince pie? Yum!

  • punkofnice
    Them: Ok bye.


    Well done. I only hope they'll think about it rather than pass it off as persecution.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    [Doing my best Circuit Assembly interviewer impression . . .]

    "What a heartwarming and encouraging experience Brother Covenant! May we all seek ways in which we can scatter seeds of truth in our daily lives!"

    [Applause. Interviewer and Bro. Covenant walk off stage]

  • KateWild

    Well it actually infuriates me that they don't engage. When I was a JW I cared about the householders and was really interested in their perspective.

    It just shows how hypocritical these two JWs were. They only care about their own salvation.

    Some Christian attitude.

    Kate xx

  • jwfacts
    Better yet, tell your friend there (pointing at the silent woman next to her); I assume you consider her a friend right? Well tell her that you don't believe what the witnesses teach anymore. Watch how quickly your friendship evaporates. She'll never speak another word to you for as long as you live,

    That was gold.

  • ShirleyW
    I"ll be near one of the busiest subway stations that the Dubs like to invade later on, three JW carts all across from each other! If i feel like messing with them on this rainy, nasty day then maybe I will and use TC mentions above
  • steve2

    Thomas well done. Man, did you "earn" that mince pie (and I bet your wife is an excellent cook).

    You sincerely answered their question. It is a shame - but fairly predictable - that they responded with the limp "free will card". Talk about invalidating of your comments - and no attempt to offer to respond! Their message is pitched at the ignorant and the simple-minded. I just get a flavor that, it is not so much that they could not respond, but that they themselves are not that much into defending their faith - which speaks volumes about the quality of their faith, doesn't it?

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