ill bite.
my week was frustrating.
my job of housecleaning leaves me exhausted. and in pain. Im sick of it but cant ever find a job that makes that much . what i make in 4 hours id have to work three 8 hour days to make. i like my time to be available.[no weekends no evenings.]
i learned my son got unexpectedly laid off and is now looking at a job in another state to relocate.
he was very very upset, that was a good paying job.
and he just planned a wedding and reserved the church and reception hall. and....
I cosigned his auto loan... guess who had to pay that .now I'm broke.
cant just ruin my credit and leave him without a car for work.
oh i regret that now, [the price of the car not the Co- signing]
my sofa needs replaced , i need a new shock in my car.
well,with a car loan now,how could I get any of those now.
I might be breaking it off with the guy i am seeing, he reminds me too much of my x, always in his garage working on stuff.
and still has his adult kids living at home with a grand kid, who he seems to watch a lot,
and they have no car so he lets them use his and gee Im finding myself picking him up more and more.
all weekend he was working on his projects, and I had to go pick him up to see him for a lousy three hours then had to take him home. this man has a good job, but his kids manipulate his time .
and oh gee surprise, i find he likes motorcycles. which is why hes always at his shop.....
i told myself im not dating men with a bike, that's their priority . and i find that it is.
no time for me or a relationship, well, been there done that.
32 years of competing with alcohol, a motorcycle, and lack of time spent together ruined my marriage.
its so hard breaking it off with men, the last one was quite devastated, and this one might be too. but I hope not. hes very nice, but I cant handle that lifestyle again. I don't want to repeat the last 20 years of my life.
I guess Im a heart breaker, but im not going to be competing for a few hours of mans time again , with other people and his garage projects. Im not looking for an occasional boy friend. I want a commitment.
by the time your 50 you should be past the constant working on house and cars and having kids living at home.
the fact that there is no one around my area that has any knowledge of anything other than beer and bikes and guns. makes it nearly impossible for me.
I swear I'm living in the wrong place. god dont men read? dont they have any interesting conversations ? Im by no means a brainiac, but god, Im not going to sit and watch tv all the time. stand in a garage and watch someone get dirty with oil, or walk and talk about nothing.
these guys are like, 'if it doesn't affect me why worry about it, dont care, i cant change things so why worry about it.'
wow, well gee , um, there's science, history religion, politics, medical, subjects to talk about, and if you read a magazine [or gasp, a book] once in a while, and not a repair manual, you might learn something interesting and fun.
no culture!
well gee thanks for letting me rant. lol,
now Im off to work.