Abolitionist Harriet Tubman will replace President Andrew Jackson on the US$20 bill

by oppostate 21 Replies latest social current

  • oppostate

    "It’s official: Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew has announced that abolitionist Harriet Tubman will replace President Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill. And, while Jackson will still reportedly remain on the reverse side of the bill, the move is nonetheless a momentous one.

    "Naturally there are many people who will complain about this decision, but since Tubman’s legacy leading slaves to freedom through the Underground Railroad is beyond reproach, these critics will most likely turn to defending Jackson. As a preemptive rebuttal to such arguments, here are the four reasons why Jackson needs to go:"


  • DesirousOfChange

    The US is going way overboard on "political correctness".

    This maneuver is just like every EEO quota I've ever dealt with in business. If you want to do business with the Gov't you must have 13.5% minority representation, and 7.3% female representation quotas.

    So what does every business attempt to do to meet these quotas? They hire female minorities so the new hire gets them a [ X ] in both columns at the same time.

    So............let's put a black woman on the $20 bill. Two birds. One stone.

    You'd think electing a black man as President would have put an end to the "race card". Didn't happen. This token display won't make any difference either.

    Personally, I'll request two 10's at the bank or when I get change if using cash.


  • littlerockguy

    Ironic that a corporation like The Federal Reserve that exists to enslave everybody in America would put a former slave who turned into an antislavery activist on their currency.


  • Simon

    Jackson was a tyrant ... but for some people that's OK because he was white. But hey, they want to "take a stand" against something, it just happens to be having a black woman commemorated instead.

    Seriously, you can't just say "that's better", you have to whine about it and try and make out that somehow it's "unfair"? Unbelievable.

    It is better. It does matter.

  • oppostate


    It's not really about political correctness. It's about having symbols of our country represent values that matter to an equal and free society.

    The age of white man oppression over women and minorities has to end sometime. I personally am all for the change of Tubman's profile (a woman recognized for her efforts to free slaves) over Jackson's (a President who connived and ordered the expulsion and forced resettlement of of Native Americans from their ancestral lands, thousands who died in what's been called the Trail of Tears).

  • sowhatnow

    and in about a year when everyone is used to it,and all the hoopla is over,

    no one will remember who is on what bill anyway. they made a big deal out of nothing,

    its the right thing to do to honor people who make a difference in the world, it should be like postage stamps,

    they should often put different people on bills, and slowly take older bills out of circulation. say every 5 years. banks can start collecting and returning a certain series.

    it might make it more difficult for counterfeiting to keep up, lol

  • sir82

    Personally, I'll request two 10's at the bank or when I get change if using cash.


    You're going to boycott money?

    Well alrighty then. That'll show'em!

  • Londo111

    Frankly, I believe if anybody owned slaves or committed genocide against the native population, they should be off the currency. This would include Washington and Jefferson.

    I'd love to see Martin Luther King someday.

  • My Name is of No Consequence
    My Name is of No Consequence

    So "Old Hickory" is being replaced on the $20 bill, huh? Good. He is directly responsible for the forceful removal of millions of Native Americans in the southeastern U.S. in the 1820's and 1830's. They were forced to march on the Trail of Tears west to the deserts Oklahoma. Jackson ignored a Supreme Court decision and forced Native Americans to move. It is time for a change. Personally, they should replace all of the presidents (and Hamilton) with other great Americans. Americans who, for the most part, had a positive influence on the world, not just the U.S. That list is short, but it is long enough to find suitable replacements for the presidents (and Hamilton).

  • RichardHaley

    ... he also adopted a Native American child to look as if wasn't prejudiced.

    In his favor (to little to late) he did destroy central banking and not only had a balanced budget but also eliminated the national debt for the last time.

    The change on the bill is a good thing.

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