I have been a Catholic since I left the Jehovah's Witnesses in July of 1999.
From the Catholic view, you don't have to do anything more than be as you are and accept what you can accept. At least from our point of view, when you search for truth and find any facet of it, you are searching and finding God. Regardless if that "truth" is designated secular or religious, any type of truth is some aspect of God.
The Catholic concept that our church is the one founded by Jesus does not mean that God only works through us, that there is only one true organization you must belong to, or God only cares for or saves those who belong to a certain group, denomination or organization, or that God is accessible only to Christians or Jews or Muslims or even to religious people. And God is not merely someone you search for. Like the father who watched and waited on the road for any sign of his prodigal son's return, God searches for you.
It doesn't have to be a religious experience either. Some of us who were Jehovah's Witnesses can't stomach religion anymore. Ever eat something that was so delicious to the point of getting sick and vomiting? You will probably never go near that food or any that reminds you of it. This can happen with religion. God understands this can happen, and would never expect you to do something you couldn't or "judge you" because of this. To Catholics, God is not limited to religion and does not judge those who, through no fault of their own, cannot stomach the idea. Trees, birds, puppies, kittens, stars, and flowers do not worship in churches, never pray, and have no capacity for faith in God, yet God gives them life and cares for them anyway. You who are created in God's image are worth more than many trees, puppies, flowers and stars.
Do what you can, what your conscience tells you is right. Even Scripture states that God will give eternal life to those without his law merely on the basis of how well they listened to the dictates of their conscience. (Romans 2.14-16) While Catholics admit they might not know it all, and I admit that I might not be entirely right, I can at least attest to the fact that the "concept" of God outside Kingdom Halls is very different.