“Don’t think for yourself, just get vaccinated as many times as we tell you and don’t question it.” Watchtower and mainstream media blending into one, scary.
GB 2021 Update #10 - "get vaccinated"
by neat blue dog 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Anony Mous - "We are fighting hard to get publicly released data, there is some really good data coming from John Hopkins and other places, there are therapeutics now that are more effective than the vaccine, this pandemic is over for all intents and purposes."
It will be of my interest to read, once released. This was sent to me. The pdf link is within the article: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-12-02-smoking-gun-pfizer-document-exposes-fda-criminal-cover-up-of-vaccine-deaths.html
pistolpete - "Kg you are correct regarding the fact that nothing makes sense regarding this virus. One of my workers just got Covid AGAIN for the second time. He had natural immunity. Both times he just got a slight fever and a little weak. He is young, early 30s and in good physical health."
Wow, and I know a friend who had the vaccine and later came down with a two-week bout of covid!.
Beth Sarim
Yeah Slim You're right!!
Do absolutely everything we tell you to do!!
Whether or NOT it makes any sense. Just shut the 'F' up and do it. Now get the shot. If you want it or NOT.
Even if that doesn't make sense....Just do it.
Is this the recent talk where he tells us what inactive ones are thinking? He tells us that inactive ones are thinking about how they will return to Jehovah. As if he knows anything about inactive people...
Beth Sarim
''Is this the recent talk where he tells us what inactive ones are thinking? He tells us that inactive ones are thinking about how they will return to Jehovah. As if he knows anything about inactive people...''
Since the sheeple are told what to think, and NOT question what the Borg says, and that the thinking is done for them by the GB, I would NOT be surprised if the GB or whoever believe the sheeple believe everything hook line and sinker what the GB says.