It’s March 2025, and that means it’s Memorial season. You know, when Jehovah’s Witnesses put on nice clothes, hand out invites, and talk about Jesus dying for us. But this year, I think something might change. I’m hoping the Memorial talk will be different. Will they mix it up, or will it be the same boring stuff?
Now, if you’ve been watching lately—and I know some of you ex-Witnesses and curious people have—the past year has been crazy for the Watchtower. After their big meeting, the Annual Meeting, in November 2024, they messed up their own rules. The 144,000? Not special anymore. The Great Crowd? Not a big deal now. It’s like the leaders woke up one day and said, ‘Let’s throw out the two main pillars of our theology and see what happens.’ And of course it's like the old Chinese proverbial these days with this impasilic governing body, they burn down every part of their the theology because are idiots, as the proverbial says: "The stupid man will burn down his kingdom to rule over its ashes"
"Let’s start with the 144,000. For years, this was the super important group. The chosen ones. The special people who’d go to heaven with Jesus while everyone else stayed on earth,
Being Jesus best friends in heaven. You had to be born at the right time, like around 1914, or feel extra special to be one of them. But now? Nope. After 2024, they say, ‘Doesn’t matter when you were born. Anyone can be in the 144,000!’ It’s not rare or fancy anymore. It’s like they’re giving away heaven spots for free."
"LAnd look at this—the new leaders in the Governing Body? They’re young! Like, born in the 1970s or 1980s young. Before, you’d expect them to be super old, talking about 1914 like it was their favorite memory. But now? The old rules don’t count. The Watchtower can't admit openly yet that they got that generation thing wrong, but they implied it with these recent changes.’ And I’m sitting here thinking, ‘Wait, all that confusing stuff about overlapping generations was pointless?’
Then there’s the Great Crowd. Oh, poor Great Crowd. You used to be the backup team—surviving the end of the world, living forever on earth, maybe growing perfect carrots or something. But now? They made you less important. They say you can join the Witnesses right up until the great Tribulation begins. Like, the world’s falling apart, and some guy’s still at your door saying, ‘Want to join us?’ What’s the point of being in the Great Crowd if anyone can jump in at the last minute? It’s like waiting all day for a sale, then finding out everyone gets in anyway."
"Really, what makes it special? The Great Crowd used to feel like a good second place—not in heaven, but still okay. Now it’s just, ‘Come whenever, we don’t care.’ It’s a total mess, and I’m here for it. But here’s the big question: if the 144,000 and the Great Crowd don’t mean much anymore, what happens to the Memorial talk?
Now, If you’ve been to a Memorial—and good for you if you sat through it—you know it has two parts. Part one: Jesus dying for us. They explain how he saved everyone, paid the price, all that. That’s fine, it’s the main thing. But part two? That’s where they show off their ideas. It’s about the two groups—the 144,000 who eat the bread and drink the wine, and the Great Crowd who just watch. Like they’re too shy to join in. ‘No thanks, I’ll just look at the wine from here.’"
"But now that the 144,000 isn’t a set number and the Great Crowd is open to anyone, what’s left to say? Will they admit, ‘Yeah, we made that up,’ and move on? Because if they don’t change it, it’ll sound weird. Imagine the speaker saying, ‘Uh, the 144,000 are still here… kind of… and the Great Crowd, well, anyone can join, so… great?’ It’s like selling a bike with no wheels—nobody’s buying it!"
So the big question is, will they fix the Memorial talk? They should but judging from the past they won't do it immediately maybe gradually. But here is the point, the main appeal of the Memorial was in the past how they made people feeling special by dividing the Witnesses into two special groups, one gets heaven the other panda bear world.With that removed and the fact that unlike every other Christian on the planet refusing to partake from the emblems there is nothing special left, nothing special to distinguish them from Christendom.All wheels have fallen off the chariot , the appeal of the Memorial I think is forever lost.
So they’ve got all these new idea to work with.This is their chance to look smart. Change the talk! Stop focusing on two groups and say something new—like how Jesus’ death helps everyone the same, no special ones, no leftovers, just one big team. That’d be exciting. That’d be different. That’d be… not the Watchtower.Will they do it i highly doubt it!
Truth is, they don’t like big changes. They’ve been doing the same thing forever—guessing when the world ends, changing the dates, blaming everyone else when it’s wrong. I bet they’ll keep the talk the same. They’ll mumble through the old stuff, hoping people don’t notice it doesn’t make sense. ‘Don’t look too hard, okay?’ The Witnesses have been quiet and agreeing for years—taking every new rule like it’s no problem—so why would the leaders bother fixing it now?"