Why do Anti-Jws refuse to answer questions- and ignore our answers?

by DoubtingThomas 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    Understanding JW behavior patterns in only 6 seconds:

  • DoubtingThomas

    LHG- if I refuse, it'll be a question asked sarcastically, not out of sincerity.

  • DoubtingThomas

    SB- you may have a reading disorder; I've ANSWERED yours.

    Try again- one accusation at a time.

    And try to answer how you deny what Jesus said, but expect me to listen to you about what he said!

  • DoubtingThomas


    Well, I did ask you three questions and didn't get any answers from you. Here they are again:

    1) What are the things that you do not believe from the Governing Body and how does this impact that group's ability to please God?

    I answered you! Their opinion about some of God's prophecies, and some of their policies.

    2) Please provide examples of when they have admitted their mistakes/sins.

    I answered you! Only in the 'Revelation" book.

    3) If they are simply your fellow brothers, they should be judged as such. Is it Christian for someone to outcast people and have their friends and family shun them for disagreement on even small things?

    I answered you! I agree.

  • DoubtingThomas

    Why do Anti-Jws refuse to answer questions- and ignore our answers?

  • Sanchy

    DT, (or however many other aliases you've used here throughout the years), there's more to life than being a keyboard warrior.

    Go get some sunlight, build something, do something productive, take on a new skill, a new hobby. Step away from the endless forums and turn the screen off for a while. It'll do you some good.

  • DoubtingThomas

    S- I am a graphic artist, on the computer 12 hours a day, so I come here to be refreshed! All your sour views enhance the beauty of my faith!

  • DoubtingThomas

    Are there any of my fellow JWs on this forum- or were they all banned like S said?

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    SB- you may have a reading disorder; I've ANSWERED yours.

    No you haven't. More gas-lighting. That is so abusive to others.

    For the umpteenth time:

    Since you reject the New Covenant "for the forgiveness of sins" as offered in Mt. 26: 27-28 by personally refusing the bread and wine (which IS the New Covenant)...

    How do you get your sins forgiven outside of the New Covenant?

  • Sanchy
    I am a graphic artist, on the computer 12 hours a day

    Imagine how many less hours you'd waste on the computer if you found another source of entertainment than endlessly feeding your contrarian appetite with perpetually circular debates.

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