All the money paid out by the watchtower to the child abuse law suits comes from the worldwide work fund or the contributions from the monies given for the Kingdom Hall real estate. So,when we were actively involved donating funds for this purpose,and the watchtower used those funds for purposes other than the worldwide work are they not guilty of stealing funds that were donated for Jehovah's Kingdom. Can anything legal be done about this? The reason I ask is if they had to return those funds back that they took from Jehovah's Kingdom, where would the monies that they had to pay out for the child abuse law suits come from?Am I smelling Bankruptcy? Misuse of funds? Or, nothing will ever happen about this. Thanks for your thoughts. Blueblades
Stealing From The Worldwide Work Fund.
by Charles Gillette 10 Replies latest jw friends
You've raised an interesting point !
What happens to their donations when the JW's learn that their hard earned money Is being used to to settle law suits by sexually abused children or pay legal fees in defense of the Society and their two witness rule.
neat blue dog
It falls under legally acceptable. They even read a letter to all congregations that said a specific fund was in place to pay for use in any situation in which the congregation incurrs "liability". Of course they downplayed it like it only referred to accidents and falls, and never mentioned child abuse.
neat blue dog
P.S. regarding your avatar:
Is that because those of us who are PIMO are "caught in a trap"? 😉
Have they ever defined what they meant by "the world wide work?" I don't believe they have. If so, it could be taken to mean "whatever it takes to run the Watchtower" which could include paying out lawsuits, as a cost of doing business.
Actually, I think I'd prefer to have that money given to survivors of JW sexual abuse, domestic abuse etc. rather than see those bloated old bastards in the GB add another drop of water to their lovely retirement ranch in Upstate NY. They perverted justice for those survivors, and deserve the whirlwind they're reaping. I'd also rather see these settlements being paid out rather than having any monies being spent on luring vulnerable people into their wretched mind-control cult.
Does it bother me that rank and file JWs are the ones funding these settlements? In some respects, I think they're part of the problem, having provided financial support to the WT for more than the past century. If they'd only shut their wallets and chequebooks, the whole contemptible edifice would collapse.
I suppose you can look at similar situations for other donation based companies. has redcross or salvation army etc ever been sued? probably.
one possible defence would be that the court ordered the payment, for those that went that far. that wouldnt apply to settlements though.
interesting indeed, maybe a lawyer can comment on this?
I dont want my money back, just 1 brick from the buldings at HQ, if all 8 mill + us could do that.. ahhhhh
The Fall Guy
As an alleged "charity," their lawyers have covered the cult by inserting escape-clauses into the letters begging for money.
Remember the 4 page letter in 2014 begging for donations? They stated 28 times that the money would be used "to build Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls."
That letter was "adjusted" using this statement before it was read out to the congregations;
"Please note, funds received for this new programme will form part of our general funds, rather than a restricted fund, however your preference for the donations to be used for construction will be noted."
The slimy evangelical money-grabbers at Brooklyn knew exactly that most of the money would not be used for KH/Assembly Hall construction.
Charles Gillette
Hi! neat blue dog. What does PIMO mean? Yep! JW'S ARE CAUGHT IN A TRAP! I was trapped for 33 years,1969 to 2002. When I originally joined Simon's site back then as Blueblades
CHARLES - PIMO means " physically in , mentally out. "
Good thread by the way. Yeah, not only are WT leaders guilty of misusing JW's contributions to pay out child abuse lawsuits, but even in letters they sent out to congregations telling JW's NOT to send clothing, blankets, or marking money donated for Puerto Rico hurricane victims- they weren't allowed to put " for Puerto Rico victims " on their donations. ALL donations have to have as Jeff said " for the worldwide work " on the donation- thus it makes it really easy for the WT Society to hide where those funds are being used. There is NO transparency whatsoever. It's a criminal organization