My experience with talking to London bethel by phone as an elder matches "above us only sky's" experience.
I cannot hand on heart say that the anonymous voice at the other end said do not report this to the authorities but that was how the conversations were steered (two).
One was a historical sex abuse case which the branch knew about and I said to the toady at the other end (this was when you could get advice as one brother phoning in, not two) that a brother who was a victim wanted to go to the police and the reply was "while that is his right, you might ask him what he thinks it will achieve after all this time".
The police were informed by the brother and I testified my (hearsay) knowledge of the case to the police without telling the branch.
The second was just before I resigned as an elder and we had a family in the cong. where the four kids were borderline being neglected by their dopey jw. mother who would avoid the social services like the plague because she knew that she would be at risk of having one or more of the kids closely monitored or taken into care.
Anyway, one older kid began to threaten a younger sibling with scissors and knives and it came to the elders attention so two of us phoned the branch where the anonymous brother said it would be better if the mother or a relative called in the social services. We said that they (the jw mother and a jw aunt) wouldn't and we felt we should.
Again the toady on the service desk didn't want elders going to the authorities but said we "might encourage the relatives to go to the social services as that would be the best option."
When I said they undoubtedly wouldn't he said try to get them to and then come back to us if they won't.
Myself and the other brother decided between us to go to the social services and ignore the idiot at bethel.
The family was monitored closely from that point onwards with even a well handled police involvement where the older kid had professional help with no criminal charge or conviction.
My view is that the twisted bastards on the service desk are more concerned about keeping their board and lodging and keeping the "outside of the grave" clean rather than children's welfare.