Prince could stand on the roof at Bethel and belt out songs about masturbation...and the GB would love it as long as he passed out autographed copies of the magazines while doing so! What better way to ADVERTISE ADVERTISE ADVERTISE Milty's Kingdom than to glom onto the coat tails of a celeb! Like the Wayons, the Williams Sisters, George Benson, Michael Jackson and others. The run of the mill JW cant even go to freakin PROM without reprimand...but the celebs? They can do whateeeeever they want to. Good news is, when Prince crashes and will anybody who signed up just because he did. Fame has its price.
Does Prince's face on the cover of the "Alas!" make it any more the truth? Does John Trivolta's being a Scientologist make IT the truth? Or Richard Gere's Dahli Lamaism?
Yeah..."When Dubs Cry"...thats my fav.