are you sitting down?........PRINCE is a JW!!!!!

by lisaBObeesa 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • LovesDubs

    Prince could stand on the roof at Bethel and belt out songs about masturbation...and the GB would love it as long as he passed out autographed copies of the magazines while doing so! What better way to ADVERTISE ADVERTISE ADVERTISE Milty's Kingdom than to glom onto the coat tails of a celeb! Like the Wayons, the Williams Sisters, George Benson, Michael Jackson and others. The run of the mill JW cant even go to freakin PROM without reprimand...but the celebs? They can do whateeeeever they want to. Good news is, when Prince crashes and will anybody who signed up just because he did. Fame has its price.

    Does Prince's face on the cover of the "Alas!" make it any more the truth? Does John Trivolta's being a Scientologist make IT the truth? Or Richard Gere's Dahli Lamaism?

    Yeah..."When Dubs Cry"...thats my fav.

  • dark clouds
    dark clouds

    a few more repressed titles from the artist, off of the cd come
    1. come
    3. pheremone
    10. orgasm*

    * on the liner notes it reads
    " all lead and background vox by prince partner on 'orgasm' she knows"

    track (#10) all i can say is listen to it, great whining guitar to go along with the feeling of the tune, and i add there was plenty of feeling in the recording of it, i almost wonder how many takes to get it that smooth. . . .woohoo

    the man is a musical genius, been listening to him for years
    my 2 cents though its bullshit, there is no way he is a dub,
    he may have attended a meeting or two to see what it was about but no way he would convert,
    i dont know him personally but it does not ring of "truth" no pun
    he is a firm believer of the afterlife as any fan of his could point that out,


    ps. there is so much of his music that is owned by wb he could not touch nor change it unless he remastered it, that is part of the reason he remixed the master of 1999, so he could get royalties for it during that year,

  • Yerusalyim


    There is one flaw in your logic about TAFKAP not being a JW. You assume that the Society is consistent in it's application of morally shepherding "the flock". as long as there is the potential of The Publisher Formerly Known As the Artist Formerly Known as Prince (TPFKATAFKAP) of sending large sums of moeny for the WORLD WIDE WORK or of his fame drawing other hapless souls into thier clutches the Society will wink at most of if not all his music. Also, someone said his music will start reflecting his religious convictions, does this mean he'll start singing "Kingdom Melodies" on his tours? ARRRGGHHHH!
    Besides, looking at Morality, given Michael Jackson's history, and that of many Elders, mikey at least qualifies to be a MS maybe even a CO. (How many kids has he abused?)

    Yeru, of the cynical class

    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
    Shakespere: Hamlet

  • dark clouds
    dark clouds

    given the chance that it may be true would
    TPFKATAFKAP be commencing his concerts with a prayer prior to belting out a kingdom melody?

  • slipnslidemaster

    I was dreamin' when I wrote this
    Forgive me if it goes astray
    But when I woke up this mornin'
    Coulda sworn it was judgment day

    The sky was all purple
    There were people runnin' everywhere

    Tryin' 2 run from the destruction
    U know I didn't even care

    'Cuz they say one nine one four party over
    Oops out of time
    So tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1913!!!

    . o O (slipnslidemaster)

  • Abaddon

    slipnslide; nice, but I still say 1975 (or as you rightly point out with 1913, the year before) scans better.

    It's sung on five beats, and given a choice between doubling 'thur' to 'thu-ur', and sruntching 'se-ven-ty' into 'sevn-ty', I'd so for the scruntch. It's more musical. Also, 'nine' ends in a vowel, and 'teen' ends in a constanant, so the rhyme is affected, whereas 'four' ends in a vowel sound in most accents (unless you come from somewhere they roll terminal r's, like 'fourrr').




    1974 is my choice.

    As for the 'one nine one four party over' bit, I always heard that as 'two thou-sand zero zero par-ty over' I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the year is sung over five beats.

    Howabout 'nine-teen seven-ty-five'?

    Whatever! Great song though!

  • slipnslidemaster


    I agree with you. I was in a rush to post it before someone else thought of it.

    I will make the appropriate changes next time I post it because I think it's funny and seems to work in a number of cases!

    . o O (slipnslidemaster)

  • freddi

    i do believe that jesus and all the apostles had long hair. it all depends on the century in which you were born i suppose. who cares about his hair length. i do feel bad for his baby though. very sad. if this is his way out then so be it. he has the money to do anything. too bad all that money can not bring the happiness that it is worth.

  • Mulan

    I have a JW friend, who actually still talks to me, and she and her husband were also studied with by Larry Graham. They now live in the Seattle area, near me. I see her all the time at the Costco where she works, so will ask if she knows about this. I have to add this though: Why is he so popular? I don't like his music! But there are lots of artists I don't like, but for the life of me, I just don't see the appeal with this guy. I don't like Bjork either!

  • LDH

    And this is the same guy who had a photo shoot with the word 'slave' drawn on his cheek to show his displeasure at the control his record label had?

    This guy refused to make music for years, saying he didn't want his creative juices stifled!

    He ain't seen nothing yet!

    Check this boy for syphilis; I hear you go crazy if you've got it.

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