So my idea of going on to Orbitz and booking every weekend in June July and August at the most preferred hotel months before the list comes out will work. And you can probably still get the JW discount rate. Just call after the appointed time. Not right away maybe March or April and say you want to verify the reservation and rate oh I'm a JW I get the discount. If not probably no big deal the discount can't be that much the really close preferred Hotels know the witnesses will rent the rooms no matter what. The society may tell them hey if we tell them not to stat at your place they wont stay and that's true to a point but there are plenty of JWs out there who like to do things their own way. What about parking? Do you still have to buy the parking pass from the society in advance? How much are they now? By the way worst job ever I hated working out in the parking lot during the convention and I didn't do it very often. There was always a "brother" in my cong who was in charge of the parking-they gave those jobs to the obedient janitors, dish washers, painters, and grass cutters who never went to college not much thinking required to be "parking overseer"-then I had to avoid him like the plague for several weeks. Best job was the rooming dept. you sat at the desk all day even though 99.5% of the attendees already had a room or had decided to drive every day. Yet you still sat there all day watching all the beautiful "sisters" walk by in there Sunday best. So if they still come out with the rooming announcement do they still have the same rules no loud splashing in the pool, don't stay out late, go to bed early, wear your badge at all times, and for Gods sake don't save seats for people not in your family or car. I always happened to believe that saving seats was about as unloving as you could get from "the most loving org on earth". I hated being an attendant and looking at those 5 seats with magazines and books on them on row after row with nobody coming to claim them while at the same time telling countless single parents with young kids no there are no seats down here your going to have to take that 6 month old in your left arm and the 20 month old in your right arm the 3,5, and 7 year old and climb all those stairs to the nose bleed section. Maybe you will get something out of the meeting between taking all 5 out with you to use the bathroom or change a diaper. All the while the seat savers are sitting there looking at the poor lady with contempt because of her disobedience in not getting here on time while ignoring the fact that they have no business saving those seats for the people who don't meet the criteria and are more than likely sitting somewhere else because they really don;t like your ass that much.
convention rooming dept
by Darryl 15 Replies latest jw friends
The only reason that the society tells you to only book from those specific lists its because it will get free rooms for bethelite / governing body members, thats what I got told from an elder as the reason why we should always book only from the list and mention the convention, regardless if we find a cheaper price online.
I remember when the letter would come a certain presiding overseers wife would jump the gun and call and a ton of good rooms for herself and her groupies. By the time the rest of us losers called when directed to all the rooms were gone. We stayed at do not go to places usually. I figured if it was so important they wanted us to attend why should they give a poop where we stayed....
Still no answer on my question about parking. Is the parking arrangement a sacred secret now? I was just curious I know there's an easy way to find out just drive to the convention and try to park in the designated area but I think I'd rather have my prostate checked my Shaquille Oneal
Darryl not sure if someone can answer that question for you. I have never encountered or have never been offered a parking pass to buy. Either the convention side is owned by the society and probably has his own parking space which is free. Or the convention side is a stadium and for the good spots (under the stadium) you either have a have a special needs card to park there or your work at the convention demands that you have to have a parking spot near by. What we often were offered where tickets for public transit. But those were at the same price like if we would have bought them directly from the company.
Where I go, parking is free, and pretty easy to get parked close by. This year began a new policy, where the doors open at 8am for those over 65 and one caregiver, and at 8:15 for everyone else. There's a whiteboard video that's been out a couple years that goes thru all the do's and dont's regarding the convention site, hotels, etc.