Cutting the final ties

by Wolfgirl 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wolfgirl

    I've been doing a lot of reading these past couple of days, including someone's life experience that he wrote about and that was linked to on this board. Found here:

    Anyway, after reading that, the last vestiges of my "programming" have fallen away. I still hung on a bit to creationism (if you believe in it, fine...everyone is entitled to believe in what they want to), but that's gone now. But the major step for me is this: I cut up my blood card. I was still holding onto it, but the simple truth found in the Bible cleared that last bit up for me.

    Today is a big day for me. :)



    I'm sure, you have found great resolve from this forum, as well as other on-line sources.

    It's very liberating when you make those crucial cutting-off-ties to the WTBTS.

    I commend you for your decision. You will find that after doing this, you will find further peace of mind and freedom unlike any you have ever known.

    Even after almost 20 years, this forum and all the info available in it, have helped me reaffirm my decision to stay away from the JWs completely.

    You are to be commended and celebrated with.

    Best wishes, always!

  • dedalus

    It's a remarkable sensation, when it finally hits you that you've abandoned a belief you've held for who-knows-how-long. Good for you, Wolfgirl.


  • outnfree

    Congratulations, Wolfgirl!

    The link has me curious now... I'll have to read Steve's stuff. lol But later...


  • Maverick

    Have a howling good life Wolfgirl. Maverick

  • Mystery

    Out and Free!


    (my sons favorite animals are wolves. His entire room is full of wolves.)

  • Wolfgirl

    Thanks, guys. :)

    I was leaning towards evolution/science anyway, but reading that link pushed me over the edge. :) As for the blood issue, I hadn't decided what I was going to do, and was avoiding thinking about it. Decision made now. :)

    And yes, wolves are my favourite animals. I worked with them a lot when I still lived in the US.

  • Shutterbug

    Congratulations Wolfgirl. You have just made a difficult journey, but life religiously speaking, should be better now. If you should still have questions on blood, go down to the links section of this board and click on "Associated Jehovah's Witnesses for reform on blood" I'm sure this will answer any questions you may have at this point.

    Keep posting, you do well. Bug

  • shamus

    Good for you, and congradulations!!! Your healing can now begin! You will experience freedom from mind control and freedom from guilt, and you will never go back once it really sinks in!

    I saw a wolf once running across a road up in Jasper.... IT WAS HUGE! Black as night, and running... it was as big as a bear! Very cool animals, and very cool that you worked with them!

  • crinklestein

    NOW you are truely free. Celebrate it!

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