What has Jesus done for anyone for the last 2000 years, except get many people killed trying to foster his religion.
Well stated undecided. Simple logic so that even a child can understand, yet theists who defend organized religion at all costs make excuse after excuse for an Almighty God who allows innocent people to suffer and die.
Jesus Christ? How many have died because of THAT name? Would he allow people to slaughter and conquer in his name? The Holy Crusades? World Wars where chaplains on both sides are preaching that Jesus is with them? Catholicism violently converting Native Americans in the earliest histories of the United States?
Or how about Jehovah God? Children who die every year for a vacillating blood doctrine? Pedophiles who thrive within "his" organization and prey on children yet are given haven to protect the image of the corporation?
Allah the merciful? Intifadeh and jihad which result in the deaths of tens of thousands, if not millions of people? Islam radicals killing people because God tells them to do so?
Get a clue. God is a fairy tale and the Bible/Koran and any other holy book is a collection of myths.
Religion is the single biggest scam perpetrated on mankind in order for people in a position to do so to faciliate power and control over other people.