I'll have to see if I can find the research paper I did on this. The 1000 were vegetative nursing home types. The sourcing was convincing enough that my University of Maryland Philosophy Teacher was converted from a pro to an anti Euthanasia point of view. Documented this the way you always have to in college. let me look it up.
by Mary 23 Replies latest jw friends
TorturedSoul , so many things are so much clearer about you , since you shared that,,,,,,,,I am so sorry ,,,,,,,,,,you are truly a beautiful person and I can see in your writings that you take the time to think things out deeply, you note all the details, the emotions. My thoughts are of you tonite , dear one. Check you PM, I wanted to add one more thing...............hugs,,,,,,,, Dede
Yeru; are you comparing PVS patients to patients who are still aware?
I would have made that clear, as you make it sound like they were not consulted for their opinion, or had their opinion ignored. You also make no differentiation between consent at the time, and a previous request for being allowed to die in a set of circumstances being followed because the patient is no longer capable of giving consent or not.
This is a little careless, and might be interpretated as you deliberately phrasing it that way to make the figure more effective. The facts of it are that long-term PVS patients don't HAVE an opinion, thus the V inbetween the P and S. No brain activity. For a long time.
I look foward to the details.
Thanks Abaddon.........
I am glad you were able to set the record straight regarding a few miss words that were posted.I am positive .Yeru wasn't trying to belittle the process or those of us who have decided that this is better than the overwhelming pain. I would'nt want the tax payers or anyone to be out any money for this choice I have made.
The only part of the medical system that is involved is my private doctor.