Wishing you a speedy recovery Atlantis.
Atlantis- Devastating News
by Newly Enlightened 26 Replies latest jw friends
Really Sad news ... I've no word :'(
All my best Thought to his family and friends
Thank you Atlantis for All.
Best Regards
Holy crap! The scanning of this JW crap is what exposed him to enough radiation to cause cancer?
Another casualty of this greedy, blood-thirsty, CULT!!!!
My deepest condolences to his family, and a heartfelt "thank you" for his self-sacrificing work to expose this cult.
The scanning of this JW crap is what exposed him to enough radiation to cause cancer?
No. Non-ionising radiation from standard computer equipment doesn’t cause cancer. It was very irresponsible to spread that incorrect claim.
Beth Sarim
WingCommander,,,yes the Borg has claimed another victim.
Extremely sad news to hear about Atlantis. Please send all my love and wishing him and all his family a very speedy recovery.
Si cela vous est possible, donnez-nous des nouvelles de la santé d'Atlantis et transmettez-lui nos messages d'amour et d'encouragement. Nous prions pour qu'il se rétablisse, nous avons tellement besoin de lui et nous sommes si petits. Marcial
Si cela vous est possible donnez nous des nouvelles de la sante d'Atlantis et transmettez lui nos messages d'amour et d'encouragements . Nous prions afin qu'il se retablisse nous avons tant besoin de lui et nous sommes si petits . Marcial