This is disturbing.
It is most disturbing that it happened; no girl or boy deserves this when they grow up.
It's disturbing that a grown man should feel like that.
It's disturbing the parents didn't hear alarm bells.
It's disturbing that children are being raised in a climate of fear. I thought the comment about the girl being ruined for life was a little over the top, if what's described is exactly what happened; I base that on having gone out with a woman who was abused... maybe she was strong, but surely it's the ones who are strong and do not allow themselves 'to be ruined for life' we should use as an example.
It's disturbing that adults can't take photos of children without being thought of as a pervert. Kids are beautiful. Obviously my kids are the most beautiful, but if a someone else's horse can be beautiful, why can't another persons kid? Does it have to be sexual? Yeah, there's a difference between a candid shot and roll after roll, but that's where parents come in, to see when it's inappropriate. There's been cases where photos of young kids on holiday with their parents have lead to prosecutions because the kids (a few years old at most) were on a beach naked! Is that sane?
It's disturbing that people are so willing to discard the concept of trial by jury because of the understanably strong emotions they feel. Not that juries are perfect, but it's what we've got.
One thing stood out, and this is nothing personal Big Tex. I think it is perfectly normal to buy my daughters underwear. I don't think they are mortified.
But, if underwear is an unmentionable subject, then sex is. If sex is unmentionable, then the dangers of sexual predators are unmentionable.
I think one of the surest ways of protecting a child is to make sure they have no qualms about saying "so and so keeps slapping my butt and I don't like it".
Make sure they know what's wrong in terms of conduct and touching, even if it embaresses you or them. Far better a little embaressment than a lot of heartbreak.
If your kid can't talk to you about sex, WHO IS?
Knowledge is power and power is strength.