Update on elders visit.......

by 7robert7 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • 7robert7

    I appreciate your comments COMF, and thank you, ozziepost, for clearing up the misunderstanding.

    I did know about the March 1st issue, unfortunately I got the two issues and quotes confused being that they are very similar. Its easy to make a mistake when cramming as much information as possible before one of these encounters.

    I would have admitted my wrong to the elders if they had been willing to come back, I'm not a pridefull man. I'll admit here and now that I made a terrible mistake that may have cost me further visits. But again one of the elders from last years visit wants to meet up again, so not all hope is lost.

    Read what I said again COMF, what she realized I had done, was make a mistake, not that I had lied to her. Remeber, I didnt give the elders a page number, but had stated that the quote was on the front cover, thinking that I was using the right issue, I was wrong.

    "This really threw her for a bit of a loop when she heard me mention the page number, because it finally hit her what I had done. She realized that the statement wasn’t on the cover, but that it was inside. She knows that I’ve never lied to her in 6 years of marriage, so she now knew that I was in fact telling the truth. She went to check anyways, to which I responded, “I wish you would spend as much time checking what you’re being taught by these strangers as you do your own husband.” J She was smiling too by the way."

    Romans 3:5-8 fits the point that COMF is trying to make. And I appreciate his concern.

    5: But if our unrighteousness brings out Gods righteousness more clearly, what shall we say? That God is unjust in bringing his wrath on us.

    6: Certainly not! If that were so, how could God judge the world?

    7: Someone might argue," If my falsehood enhances Gods truthfulness and so increases his glory, why am I still condemned as a sinner?

    8: Why not say-as we are being slanderously reported as saying and as some claim that we say-" Let us do evil that good may result"? Their condemnation is deserved.

    The Society from what I've been told teaches their people to lie, when it can gain an advantage, I'm told its called "theacratic war strategy." They believe that if the lie can bring glory to God, its o.k. As you can see, God doesnt agree.

    I wouldnt use their own tactics. If anyone knows of any articles that exist concerning the issue of "theocratic war strategy" or "lyings o.k" let me know.

    And one last thing COMF, it seems to me that whenever youve responded to the few things that I've said on this forum, your remarks come across as snide, haughty and judgemental. If I'm reading you incorrectley I truely appologize.

    I remember in one of your other posts when responding to someones telling the witnesses at the door to bug off, that you treat them with love and understanding when they come to your door. Please show me the same, even if I havent walked in your shoes. In other words, be slow to accuse. You seem to focus on the negative way to much, most everyone else gave me the benefit of the doubt, and assumed that I had made a mistake, which was the correct assumption. "Stop, nitpicking every mistake you see in every post you read." It'll drive you crazy.

    God Bless

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